What's New in eBelgium

Day 965, 19:19 Published in Belgium USA by MaryamQ

Hello, fellow eBelgians!

This has been a very eventful week, in the eWorld in general, and in eBelgium in particular. We had the presidential elections, the rollout of V2 with all its ensuing chaos, impeachment of our new president, and the installation of our present one with his new administration. And here we are, a little shaken, perhaps, but still standing.

The elections caused a lot of strong feelings among our citizens, but it is time to heal and pull together now so we can come through this transition time strong and healthy as individuals and as a country. After winning the election, AlphaMFPEFM_Z donated the promised 300 gold to our national treasury, supported his own impeachment, and has graciously agreed to stay here in eBelgium and use his own considerable business interests to help our economy.

If you don't already know, our new President, Thore Thoreson, has chosen a great cabinet to help us get through this period, and in partnership with them, Congress has been working to try get wages and prices stabilized. To see Thore's vision for us, read his inaugural address.

With V2, things have become very unstable all over the world, and eBelgium needs good sources of raw materials to keep our people working. To learn what HuCard has proposed to help with this, see here.

We also need to plan for our own defense, and I encourage everyone to register with the military. JHemelhof has taken the initiative to organize our military before the new module is in place. To be part of this, go here, and don't forget to subscribe to keep up with the latest news.

For Home Affairs, overseeing our state companies and aiding our new citizens, mudduck95 is providing continuity in this very trying time. Please be sure to subscribe here to find support and advice you can use to grow stronger.

Stilpo is using his energy and experience to promote good relationships with other countries in the eWorld. He is looking for ambassadors to help him with this. Go here to find out more.

Kylero has taken the new position of Minister of Growth and Culture, and has plans to spread the word about eBelgium around the eWorld. This is a great place to be a real part of the community and get involved beyond the normal few clicks it takes to to get through the day, and we even have our own Aldous the Meek. Be sure to read Kylero's latest article about him.

Rounding out the Cabinet, we have Medrolke as chief of staff, and I will be acting as Minister of Information, with the able assistance of Val3rian and Beli Jesen for translations into French and Dutch, respectively.

We are looking forward to getting to know all of you better, helping you to make the most of your choices in V2, and above all, having fun with you!

What would Aldous do? He would pitch in and make it happen!