The PTO Candidate for CP

Day 1,809, 18:20 Published in Australia USA by irule777
The Scary PTOers!
Well as predicted the Australian Independents threw up a candidate at the last second. Aren't they so sneaky?

Szenti is the PTO candidate from them right now.

You can honestly tell by his fantastic efforts to at least make his about me in English 😛

Please make sure to vote for Ranger Bob our unity candidate in an election that obviously now does have a PTO candidate (though we expected one). Please DO NOT VOTE FOR ME. APP didn't remove me in time due to PG being wherever PG is.

Please make sure to use your vote wisely and follow some good advice from Chris

Good luck to you Ranger and keep us PTO free!

Also I apologize for the lack of the NE, I don't have PG's account details sadly as his dCP or I would've thrown up an NE vote by now :/