The Indian Observer

Day 529, 12:27 Published in India Austria by H. S. Dovewatch

Issue No. 1, Day 529

The eIndian Observer
Main Headlines this week:

National News: Presidential Elections Review
International Relations: The part we play in the theatre of war
Economic News: Shail.Back Awards our best business prospectors

National News
Presidential Elections Review

Earlier on today the party president of the India United party- Blazed- announced that the official candidate for the presidency of eIndia was to be long time eIndian (or old hat as he puts it himself) Anjan Sarkar.

After an interview with the Kalinga Independent’s editor in chief (here), Anjan managed to secure a land slide victory over his opposition with a massive majority of 72% (19 votes).

Among other things, Mr. Sarkar intends to do such things as start a mass scale citizen recruitment project, set up a council of business minds to help new companies in eIndia, set up several state owned companies in the interests of increasing government revenue, organize a chain of training wars, and make eIndia a hub of world trade by using ambassadors to create economic alliances between ourselves and other small eStates.

Despite Nokian95’s efforts with her manifesto (here), she only managed to grab a tiny 7% (2 votes) during the election. The policies she wanted to implement included closely recording all eIndia’s statistical data, establishing a chamber of commerce and setting up the Ministry of Social Welfare to conduct regular updates of eIndia’s wiki page.

The afore mentioned PP Blazed also stood, and, without publishing a manifesto (as he believed too many people had voted by the time he had written it up) or giving an interview, managed to receive 19% of the total vote (5 votes).

Anjan Sarkar should find himself unopposed when we all go to visit the polls in two day’s time. The only way this will not happen is in the case of an attempt at a political take over. Due to the agreement with eRomania this may be a distinct possibility from eStates aligned with PEACE.

The return of ArjaaAine
Earlier this week, we saw the return of ArjaaAine as an active citizen. Arjaa is the governor of the Indian Government Bank and a member of Congress; he got to work very early on in his new era of activity by proposing two donations to the Bank and creating 20 000 INR
to create ‘a comfortable [economic] cushion'.

Three Cheers for Shail.Back!
Our glorious leader BroodroosterNL appointed Shail.Back as the new minister of education just over a week ago, and he has started work in that office by pulling more eIndians from the occupied areas with many, many shouts. Yesterday he created the ‘India calling’ newspaper, which he has referred to as ‘India’s new voice’ and ‘another initiative dedicated to the freedom struggle of eIndia’. He has written an article to call back eIndians from the annexed areas to help create a secure voting day in two days time when foreign involvement in the presidential elections is too much a possibility.
Unfortunately the articles in eIran, eRomania and eIndonesia have been swamped by different articles and may be of little use. Still, it was a fantastic article and further work at the same standard will no doubt be more than helpful to the development and security of eIndia.

New Constitution Proposed
Congress members have been working on a new constitution that will be more detailed and comprehensive than the current one. It is currently only viewable by congress members and administrators on the forum, but may be published on a public section of the forum and/or in game very shortly.

General Welfare and the Role of Government
Former Congress member, big businessman and respected citizen of eIndia Ambrose Didymus has written a series of short articles on ‘General Welfare and the Role of Government’. Those who have read them are generally very impressed. Click the following links for the latest in the series,Article 4.

International Relations

The Part We Play in the Theatre of War

3 days ago Congress and the President received a contract sent by eRomania ( which was related to the current Romanian-Indonesian war.

It was a very difficult decision for the officials, but they eventually voted to agree with the terms and act as such.

Accepting will mean:
-The release of all original eIndian regions from foreign control.
-The gift of a q5 hospital.
-The weakening of eIndonesia which would prevent invasion from them indefinitely.
-Better relations with ATLANTIS countries in the future.
-The prevention of an eRomanian invasion in the near future.

The problems with Accepting were:
-The discontinuation of a history of pacifism.
-The conception on the world stage that eIndia was swinging toward ATLANTIS.
-Worse relations with eIndonesia.
-The possibility of a PEACE funded political TO.

With the acceptance, eIndia has put itself in a precarious position. However declining would have put us in an even worse position, and accepting will help develop eIndia further.

Another problem may be that the new eRomanian government will go back on it’s deal and not free eIndian regions or send us the hospital we deserve. But in the end there was really no choice and acceptance secured the borders of the eIndia we have. In the words of the president: ‘We were forced to take part in a play we did not want to act in and we tried to get as much out of it as possible’.

Also, The President and Congress would like to tell the world that what they did was ‘for the well being of the Indian citizens, not for the well being of any other country or alliance in this world’ and that they ‘do not in anyway take into account while making this decision the previous and current actions of any alliance or sovereign state’ (first quote from the President, second from Congress).

An economic alliance?

Today, Mohamed Siddique proposed we create the NAM (Non Alignment Movement) between ourselves and other neutral countries around the world. During the convocation that followed it was agreed that this should be an economic alliance. At this point Anjan Sarkar joined the convocation and posted a link to a very similar proposal he proposed a while ago. It was met with some skepticism by the receiving end, but it is highly likely this may be something he wants to implement during his planned office as president. Hopefully he has created a plan of action and will publish it for public discussion shortly.

Economic News

The Best eIndian Businesses Awards

At the very start of this week, Shail.Back released that he would award what he believed are the best eIndian businesses with a cash prize.
Today he stated the winners of the awards, he sai😛
‘1 - For Corporate excellence "BHARAT RATNA" Award goes to "INDIA WORLD CORPORATION" for establisheing first q5 company & managing It successfully.

2 - For Developing india "MAGSESE" Award goes to "SWASTIK GROUP" for providing food & gifts at cheapest rates, & operating on a non profit basis.

3- For Youngest achiever "YOUNG GUN OF INDIA" to "DIVINE GIFTS" for providing gifts at low rates & managing company successfully.’

The India World Corporation will soon receive 100 INR, the Swastik Group 50 INR and Divine Gifts 25 INR.

Our Congratulations to all the lucky winners!

Housing the people

Rejoice! For today Bongo Housing Solutions produced it’s first house and sold it on the eIndian market for 272 INR. In an interview, the general manager Kanda Bongo Man stated that he was ‘very happy’ for ‘finally helping eIndia develop. He personally thanked Ambrose Didymus for shutting down his ‘Ambrosia Housing Company’ in the interests of keeping Bongo Housing Solutions afloat, but was very concerned about the future of his company. He said ‘I understand that we need competition in market place, but I am very worried because with only 5 employees I am not meeting the production levels I want. Chironjilal and Sons Housing are giving ever so slightly higher wages which means they have all the workers which I need.’


[Seeing as this is issue one I cannot currently do this section as I have no columnists. I would like anyone who believes they could become a columnist in the future for a Military column every week (this would mean recording all the wars and military related activity from across the world and commenting on them) and anyone who could do another, preferably financial, column every week (if this project continues) to state this below or message Robert Knotsworth.

Also, I would like to add that I may consider adding a slot for advertisement and that this is the first issue in a project which will hopefully continue, so next week it will have select news I pick from the news and forums so it should be slightly longer and better.
If you wish to support the project in any way please comment or message Robert Knotsworth. Thank you.]