Thank you for Getting me in

Day 2,259, 06:09 Published in USA USA by DylanBAS

Editorial note:I wrote this on the 23rd. Maybe that's called cockiness, maybe it means I was prepared. You decide.

Anyways, if you're reading this, it means I'm in the US congress. I promise you, as a citizen of the united states, that I will serve you. I really don't care who you voted for, or if you wanted me to win in the first place. You're stuck with me. Before I get to the title subject of this article, I want to lay out a simple platform(something I'm surprised more people don't do)

My 3 points(A Play on Wilson's Fourteen)

1. Lower Work Tax- After reading the relevant data I have on the subject, I don’t think that lowering the work tax 2% will cause much damage. Maybe it is just throwing a bone to the general public, but it really can’t hurt. However, it can help. It will invigorate our public and attract some of the citizens who left during the 10% tax.

2. Foreign Economic Prosperity- I fully support the efforts of our POTUS to procure foreign regions and create codependence based on that. I will support all further plans for peaceful expansion within reason. Soon, we will be a 10/10 nation open for business. We will also have other nations who need us while we need them. This is the foundation upon which allies are found.

3. Helping out New Allies- We are at a pivotal point in our foreign policy. TWO is dead, and we need to take advantage of that. We are already reaching out towards Britain and Poland, and this is a good start. We are slowly forming a western wall of protection from invasion. This would be well helped by adding Spain to this list of new allies. These nations are no longer our enemies. They do not have to be, and they should not be. This will not likely repel our current allies, as the balkans is not concerned with these nations and no other nations that we ally with are. So by all means, we should get this done ASAP. Not to mention, this allying might get us a slice of Canadian bacon when all the carving is done.

And now for the subject of the title, the reasons I even get to have this platform.

Derphoof- This phenomenal pony nominated me as a congressman for the first time. He/She(I dunno?) welcomed me into the party which I had just come to for ATO, and decided to stay in for a while. He(you know what, I'll just guess) fostered me from a small player with far off dreams of politics to a player who understood the meta-game dynamic and enthusiastically embraced it. I may have failed that time, but I didn’t fail now. For that, I thank you Derphoof. You are one of the reasons I made it into congress.

Oblige- This was a while back! I didn't vote for him, but DAMN did he do a good job. He is the one who convinced me, not even intentionally, that that was the time to get into politics. He revived my dreams of politics by showing that it can be functional instead of just petty squabbling. For that, I thank you Oblige. You are one of the reasons I made it into congress.

Corrigan Brown- He wrote an article once that galvanized my resolve to help foreign allies which makes up part of my platform. He is one of the nameless many who have shaped my political ideals. Granted, he is from Canada, but there is always a price for prosperity eh? For that, I thank you Corrigan Brown. You are one of the reasons I made it into congress.

Tanishq- I asked him for help on tips for being a congressman shortly before I signed up. He was a great help. He provided me with over 3 articles to look at for tips and tricks as well as advising me on IES procedure and the workings of our constitution. These will be of great help to me now. For that, I thank you Tanishq. You are one of the reasons I made it into congress.

Trekker Tlumac- You sponsored the legislation I came up with at the beginning of this month. It didn’t pass, but you are the one who has most influenced me to run this month. I can’t express my gratitude in the right way. It is because of you that I am even trying this crazy idea in the first place. For that, I thank you Trekker Tlumac. You are one of the reasons I made it into congress.

Tyler Bubblar- You are the PP of the Feds, so you are the one who gave me a winning spot on your roster. I will not let you down. If you ever waver, remember this. I am Proud and Horny and I will take that TO THE NEXT F***ING LEVEL! For that, I thank you Tyler Bubblar. You are one of the reasons I made it into congress.

Melissa Rose- You helped me get familiar with how congress works from the inside. I was stumbling around in the dark with no idea how to act when in congress, and you showed me the way. For that, I thank you Melissa Rose. You are one of the reasons I made it into congress.

All the people I interviewed for my newspaper way back when I was a newb- DrKaban
You have given me a preview of the ways the political module can be enjoyed. You eased me into learning the intricacies of politics and prepared me for this day. You all played the role of unknowing mentors in my quest for political contribution. For that, I thank you all. You are all one of the reasons I made it into congress.

There are probably countless more people I should thank for this, and if you have contributed to my politics in any way, don’t be modest. Shout it in the comments that you helped me and how. I will edit this article to reflect that.

Thanks to all the people who voted for the Feds. You gave me the votes that allowed me to be here. Heck, thanks to all the people that voted to keep Ajay out. That gets you thanks anytime.

(At least He’s not ajay)
You will be missed Zoidberg

Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to go do the job you got me.