RareLit: Third Edition FINISHED

Day 2,398, 15:09 Published in USA USA by ResouIa

Now with the third official edition of the Rareonce Literary Contest, I thank everyone who participated in the submissions and the voting.

This round we managed to launch two categories; A poetry category and a journalism category. A big thank you to the participants of the journalism category, as this is the first time we ever got that category up and running. I'd like to give a congratulations to Brandon Wright for winning the poetry category of this contest, and a congratulations to PilotPhil for winning the Journalism category.

The prize for category winners of this round of RareLit was 50 Q7 weapons. And I have decided to create a new eligibility that categories with 3 submissions or more are now able to have runner-up prizes. These prizes will be either 10 or 20 Q7 tanks- will be decided when we have our next large enough category where this eligibility applies. So make sure to invite your friends to participate in the next edition of the Rareonce Literary Contest so we can give out more prizes than ever before!

So thank you all again, I hope to see even more participation next week. Til then!

Winning submissions can be read below.

Poetry Category: Untitled

Journalism Category: Soup For Your Soul, John Largo