Myopia Observer 第二十七期:【光源氏计划】驻俄外国人士指南

Day 1,529, 06:33 Published in China China by Yurikhan

Myopia Observer-远见观察
全文翻译自E俄罗斯期刊.eRussianPaper.文章《[Ministry of Justice]If you are a foreigner in Russia …

If you are a foreigner in Russia …

Russia has always been a country of secrets for many players. The serious barrier to understanding the Russian community and its laws is no knowledge of Russian .This article will help you to simplify your life in eRussia.

Rule №1. Don`t ever use the Google-translator to write articles or comments. Remember! This rule is the most important! Your article will become a good reason to have a laugh for the whole Russian community. A word-by-word translation would be something like: "Comrade time car space world I ePoland door." Can you understand anything?

Rule №2. You must forget all of the Russian RL stereotypes. This is just a game, don`t forget it. They are no bears in our streets we don`t play the balalaika and drink vodka every day (rather though the day🙂). We do not greet each other with "Hello, Comrade." There are not only Russian gamers playing for eRussia but also gamers from Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova, Kazakhstan, Germany, USA, Latvia, Lithuania and citizens of other RL independent states.

Rule № 3. Many foreigners ask me how find a certain person in the IRC? Yes, we have our own channel #erep-rus. But in eRussia Skype is more popular than IRC-channel. This is just a historical habit.

Rule № 4. It is prejudice that citizens of eRussia are hostile to foreigners. We even had a few foreign presidents in our history. Two bright foreigner CPs - GLaDOS and MoredanKantose. We used to have a large political party for the foreigners loving Russia and also a world-wide known Russian Foreign Legion. Once a bright power this legion really worth revival. There are foreign fighters on duty in many of our Military Units. We have many friends around the eWorld in various Alliances. But if you want to damage Russia please remember our old saying: “Who will come with a sword, shall die by the sword”.

Rule №5. I`ll give a good advice to all ambassadors to eRussia. If you are the ambassador you probably already know that we have a national forum
You will be surprised to know that we have separate sections of the embassies for almost all states. A lot of ambassadors know about it and register on this forum. All members of the Government and congressmen browse this forum so your message will be read. In addition it is a good site to ask questions to each other. See you on!

Rule № 6. Getting eRussia citizenship is hard. If you are Pole it is practically impossible (joke). Now we improve our migration policy. However, I will give you the advice – justify your request on the forum.

Rule № 7. If you still want to write an article in Russian language, then you can use the service of a Team of Translators of eRussian Government for a decent price. (If you're interested, ask me in PM).

It does not matter who you are in RL. Each of us is playing his/her own part in this game. I hope that these simple instructions will help to ease your life in eRussia.

I will conclude this article with a favorite quote of foreigners playing for eRussia:
Long Live Mother Russia!

Ministry of Justice,

Mr. Alex Great


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