Headshot! - North America

Day 1,250, 18:37 Published in USA USA by John Killah

Yes readers, if you’re doing Darkskye’s challenge, you have just found one of those Easter Eggs, congratulations!!

Hello and welcome to a new series of mine – Headshot! In this series, we’ll be looking at what’s happening in the world today and what the battle could be about and what the plans next might be.
Let’s start by splitting them up into sections, we have: North America, South America, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, Asia and the Pacific Regions. Each has it’s own interesting history and no doubt, more history will be made in the days that follow from this article, be them actual days, or months. Today, we’re going to focus on just North America.

1). North America
Spain Vs USA

Oh boy, doesn’t look good at all does it … seems Spain’s penetrating deep into us, and this people, is what rape is called. We lost Illinois today, and it sucks for us because that’s a region we really didn’t want Spain having. Now that Spain have an Oil region, they’ve got a nice little Weapon Production Bonus – Crap, talk about adding insult to injury.

What’s next?

Quite simply, with Canada protecting our rear (thank god), one resource they won’t be getting (and even more thanking to god) will be Aluminium, which would further increase their Weapons Production Bonus (henceforth referred to as WPB, hope you pay attention). So that leave only one alternative for the resource grabbing … I’ll let your minds fill that blank, and that is cattle, the 3rd and final missing resource of theirs. This would be good for their Food Production Bonus (FP😎 and would deprive us of one of numerous Cattle States. That’s the only ok thing about losing the region, the bad being that we lose the initiative again and gives Spain the chance to push further inside (again, rape).

Mexico Vs USA

Will Mexico ever learn? What’s that? No? Makes sense, should stick to making taco’s (No offensiveness meant). Mexico hasn’t learnt from past wars, or under the Frost Administration when we obliterated them … WITH CAT TANKS NO LESS!! It seems to me that they’ve become nothing but a tiny little pawn for Poland … Hell; Poland might as well take all of Mexico if they capitulated that easy. The way I see it, Poland probably offered Mexico peace and the promise of no further hostilities if they allowed
Poland a base and if Mexico went to war with us. Damn them.

What’s next?

My first thought is actually an idea that I was given thanks to one of my newspaper subscriptions (So all kudos to them, I will admit this). It is that Mexico might act to cut off our Capital of California, and in doing so, destroy our economy with one chess move (so to speak). This is one of the worst outcomes for us, because it means that we’d be fighting a battle that seems impossible.

My Second thought is that Mexico might work with Spain and cut the US in two pieces, also severing us from our Oil (A big WPB reduction) and Fruit (A big FPB reduction). This would take just as long as Prediction one, so which one will happen I don’t know.

My third and final thought is also the most unlikely. It is that Mexico might just decide to take Texas, and one of our remaining Oil regions. This would boost their WPB.

That’s all for today folk, in my next article, I’ll be covering: South America!

Keep up the fight, and remember, We don’t quit, we just kick ass and rest!