cCc Holy Virgin Turkey Calls For Assistance ! cCc

Day 1,622, 08:06 Published in Poland Poland by Mustafa Kemal Atajerk
From the Turkish Encyclopedia/Dictionary for Dummies
Boycott - We do this everytime, when we do not create enough tanks and we lose a battle.

Dear Terra & EDEN citizens,

We, The Honourable, Shameless, Proud, Courageous, Brave & other positive adjectives Turks have a big problem - the network internets hub in Turkey has been destroyed by a camel during a cockroach race in Fatih Sultan Mahmed’s casa and we can’t do more babybooms. Now we have to call you (once again) to help in the Turkish Glorious Crusade Against Bulgurians (aka Europa Centrum of car stealing). As you see, our Glorious and Brave Warrior, started to whine and cry in press here.

Do you know TEDENIANS what will happen if Turkey gets erased from the map ?
You have to know that when we were proONE there was no Croatia, Greece or Romania, but suddenly romper with Iaswn looked at API and we joined EDEN (cause we do more damage than Bulguria slaves, haha). We losing Deer, cCc Aluminium cCc, saltpeter and guess what, we can’t clo... do more Q6 tanks to USE THEM AGAINST SHAMELESS BULGURIAN OPPRESSORS.

This is our message to all of TEDEN citizens - help Holy Turkish Virgin to defend her against rapists from Bulguria, or we will be a Holy Turkish Martyr with penetrated v****a without:

- Deers (we prefer goats)
- Cows (Why cows ? We have CAMELS)
- cCc Aluminium cCc
- Saltpeter

You can rely on Holy Turkish Botoman Virgin Empire as always - as soon as we get defended from the Bulgur crusaders we will help our Greek, Croat and Romanian brothers ASAP and then we can go for cCc Aluminium cCc + stop our Boycott. All hail the Greco-Turkish Brotherhood, together we will have 30 permbanned presidents. To all ONE trolls and Turk haters - stop doing mess in TEDEN and tell your spy Tall niki to stop doing bad things in EDEN. Also say the same to the Nemesis PTOers in Brasil, we know they are ONE spies from Hunguria in Brasil.

PS. Tell romper to use his mastercard more often, or we join ABC soon.
PS2. Smeegoglu, WRITE MORE ANTILOLAND PROPAGANDA, they are funnier than Turkey, don’t be ashamed.
PS3. Ukrainian MOFA & President, write an ultimatum to EDEN in one or two hours about lack of help from TEDEN to Turkey.

Regards, Holy Osman Seljuk Virgin Martyrian Turkish Vizir Beduin, Turgay.