Argh! A Pirates Tale: Final Part to the Series!

Day 881, 14:39 Published in USA USA by Marcus Patterson

Dear readers,

This is the third and final edition to the Pirates Tale series, a funny but compelling narrative illustrating the events in eRepublik through a satirical pirate adventure.

--- For Part 1 click Here ---
--- For Part 2 click Here ---

The End of the Search:

Alast readers! Last time I was tellin’ you all a grand ole’ story. A story of two pirate crews, both looking for the famous and legendary King’s Treasure. We last left off in South Africa, where the Diosts crew, and the Can Into Spaces crew were both looking for more supplies so that they could continue their journey to find the King’s Treasure. The Brazilian Trolls, now pushed back and out of South Africa had been annoying the crews and tensions were running high on both ships. Capt Emerick had thrown Pizza the Hut off the ship along with his Siamese twin Ajay Bruno for being a scallywag. Now, onward with the tale!

“Land Ho!!!” -- The Diosts shouted.

They had arrived on the shores of South Africa.

“Hurry up me crew, Belay all that talk! There’s booty to be found and supplies to be taken!” Captain Emerick stated to his men.

The crew then anchored their ship, and the crew got their arses off the ship and onto the beach. The crew gathered their swords and their few supplies left and went off to a nearby camp that was set up by the Brazilian trolls. As they started walking they noticed another group of men, already at the camp. The Diosts looked each other, wondering how another crew had already beaten them to South Africa.

“How did they know the treasure was here Captain?” Gaius Julius asked.

“They didn’t, they must just be here for the Brazilian’s supplies that they left here. I mean, look at all these gifting health packs on the beach, its just amazing”, Max McFarland 2 stated.

“Well, onward to the camp then b*tches. Let’s beat their f!@%!@%! Arses! Troll troll spam spam spam spam I AM A MULTI ACCOUNT!” Emerick started to yell.

“What’s the matter with you pirate? Too much Captain Morgan’s eh?” Mr. Woldy asked.

---Erhm, excuse me crews, but Captain Emerick is now banned for Spam, that is all—

“Ok, who the bloody crap was that?” asked Zoli

“010100101001100” asked the Russian Bot still on the ship.

Over by the Brazilian camp, the Can Into Space crew had already spotted the Dioists and their Captains outburst of spam.

“My willy hurts again” stated Marcus Patterson

“Enuf of the talk, Marcus, you don’t even have a willy. Now, we need to get these supplies and gather our swords and strike them down while they’re weak!” said Capt Rogers.

The Can Into Space crew gathered the rest of the supplies and headed off to confront the other crew. The Dioist were also headed toward them, with their new Captain of the SS AAP, Max McFarland 2. When the crew finally met, swords were immediately drawn. Tensions were running high, the sun was starting to set, and the pirates started to clash. The sounds of the swords hitting one another scared off the birds hiding in the trees up above. Broken boxes and supplies laid out all across the beach. The sand was starting to cut up the feet of the tired and thirsty pirates. Zoli started to get very Hungary get it….hungry, like Hungary…that’s where he is from in eRep…ok.

After several hours of fighting, blood was finally drawn. It was Dischmds, a cut in his stomach had made him bleed. Who knew that a cut would be the only thing needed to kill Dischmds?

“Argh! We be getting’ nowhere laddies! Enough of this tiresome fighting! Lay down your weapons! Captain Rogers yelled.

“No Quarter!” MM2 replied.

“No, this is enough. The only way we will be able to find the Kings Treasure is with the supplies on this beach, and to put our brains together and use our intellect to find the Kings Treasure” Sydiot stated.

“I’m in the story!” shouted Slieth.

“Alright. Argh…I hate to be doing this, but we need to pool our resources. We must be finding the treasure” MM2 stated with discontent.

And so the two crews joined forces, leaving Dischmds behind to bleed. They gathered the rest of the supplies on the beach and they took our their maps and continued their journey. After several days of trekking through the daunting environment of South Africa, they had finally arrived at a cave. The cave was at least 20 stories high, 1000 feet wide. It was the biggest cave that any man or pirate had ever seen. A sign was hanging on the top of the cave.

“Here lies Singapore, home to the Admin”

The pirates looked at one another, and decided to enter the cave. As they went through the cave, they heard the yells of ghostly men. Men who had once been alive on this eWorld but who had died or even worse than that, the voices of those who had been banned by the Admins. They continued anyways, facing their fears head on until they finally reached the home of the Admin.

The cave led them to a glorious room filled with gold. They was treasure everywhere. Gold, diamonds, high Q oil, even replicas of Dio Brando were ubiquitous in the room. The crews started to frantically race to gather as much of the treasure as they could!

“Arg, we have found the treasure!” shouted MM2

“Yarrrr!” the pirates responded.

The crews were excited. They had finally found what they were looking for. The Kings Treasure was the most spectacular thing these men had ever seen. However, the Admin was not happy!

“That will be enough Gentlemen. This treasure is to remain here. You didn’t really think that we would actually give away all of this treasure to a bunch of scoundrels like you, did you? Hahahaha” The Admin stated and then laughed at his own remarks.

“What do you mean? We can’t have this treasure?” AidenAstrup asked.

“No, now Shut up and Get out of here!” The Admin replied.

So it seems that this was all just a trick by the Admins. The crews had stopped bickering and had started working together for a common goal, but no, the Admins lied to them. It was all a lie. There was a Kings Treasure, yes, but it was never really available. Marcus Patterson still had willie problems, Dischmds was still bleeding out, Zoli was still Hungary, Pizza the Hut was being eaten by the Kracken who had called in over 4 hours ago only to receive his meal 2 minutes ago. Sydiot was still a nerd 😉. And so, the crews went home to their wives and their countries, and went back to bickering and fighting amongst one another.

The End!!!!!!
Or is it……………………It is

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Marcus Patterson
Ambassador to eVenezuela
CEO of Patterson Holdings Company – Invest in PHC on the ERX!!!