[WHPR] Around the World, The Schu Challenge

Day 3,067, 18:38 Published in USA USA by James S. Brady Press Room

Dateline: Wednesday, April 13th. (Day 3,067)
Location: James S. Brady Press Room, The White House

Today’s WHPR Contents:
1. Around the World
2. The Schu Challenge

Around the World
Ilene Dover, Deupty Secretary of Media

Today we are bringing you a selection of articles from around the world. There isn't much of a method to the selection - just articles I feel are important or interesting enough to warrant wider distribution.

I hope this segment can be maintained on a weekly basis. If you do happen to find an interesting article, please let me know.

The former MoFA of Macedonia/FYROM Severrus Snape has written his personal thoughts on Hungary’s recent MPP signing with the USA. The comments are where the action really is!


Here is an older article by Tr3Los that we have only just come across (thanks for the link Swooshy). It discusses the newly implemented Ghost Boosters and their potential implications.

The eSwiss Government is hosting the first ever chess eWorld Cup! Get a look at the competitors and cheer on the folk you want to win. Who said Chess isn't a spectator sport??!


Clorofila, one of the ancients of the game, moved to eNorway recently. Joshua Morriseau resurrected his A Little More Raw interview series and published two wonderful article:



For those of you paying attention, eIreland has been in the grip of a constitutional crisis ever since the CP elections. If you want to know more about what's happening with our neighbours, read a few of these:




The Schu Challenge #2
James Schubert, Co-Secretary of Media

The fun continues weekly of “The Schu Challenge” again this month.

How it works: I pose one quiz question per week in the WHPR, and the first eUS citizen that answers correctly in comments section will win a prize. Each week there will be a different prize. Can’t tell you much beyond that but it is expected the final weekly Schu question of Melissa Rose’s CP term will be a juicy prize.

Schu Challenge Question #2
Prize: 500 Q5 Weapons

On August 16, 1812, Isaac Brock captured this city from William Hull by having the same Indians march in circles, making hundreds look like thousands. So, winning what city kept the Americans out of Canada?

A. Buffalo
B. Washington
C. Detroit
D. Boston