[MoF] Short Update

Day 2,002, 13:27 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Bank of England

G'day people of the UK. Today I'm gonna run through a few country figures with you, but first a quick word from Butjam our Minister of Finance, who spends most of his time tirelessly working behind the scenes to give us the maximum profit possible from our taxes,

"Hi there, ladies and gents, sorry for depriving you of your RWA of Butjam, but I've got exams breathing down the back of my neck at the moment, with 5 and a half hours of them looming this Thursday and Friday. After that I've got a bit of a gap to prepare for my next one, so normal service will resume, as well as the grand unveiling of the next big plan for the Ministry. I hope you enjoy having a gander at the spreadsheet, it's a straight copy and paste job from the doc I'm working with and I'll strive to keep it updated every couple of days or so. A big thank you to Rory for saving me this time, eyes open for a fuller update next week or so, lots of love, your friendly neighborhood Butjam xxx"

The Gdoc is here

Here's a break down of the contents.

We currently have 70, with 49 being used by the government, 9 out on loan to UK military units. 2 on loan to citizens and a couple being used by TWO. 8 are broken in one way or another.

Total calculated value in cc : 2,220,227.78
Broken down into,
Currency : 1,830,660.28 (89,311 on MM)
Gold : 1723.75
Invested by prior governments : 410,000

Week by week
Last week : 2,249,182.62
This week : 2,226,260.90
Balance : -22,921.72
Outgoings are MPP costs, Poland, Lithuania and Latvia (30k) and MoD supplies.

Rory o7