[LARGO4POTUS]Meet The Team

Day 2,386, 20:28 Published in USA USA by John Largo

I want to start by thanking everyone who has supported me so far. Every positive PM I get and every great comment fuels my fire to make this happen for you.

Before I get into the introductions, I want to share some of the principles that my Presidency will be based upon. (Gnilraps will notice that I stole this concept from his Presidential planning team, but the content is mine and my teams)

Our Goal is to eliminate the infighting, and unite our nation into the world class country that we have the potential to be. To reach that goal we must greatly increase the number of active citizens, and we must put aside old rivalries.

The themes will be:
1. Unity - We are stronger when we are pulling in the same direction
2. Transparency - The more eyes looking at a problem, the more likely we will be to solve it.
3. Inclusiveness – It’s not my country or yours, it’s ours.

Cabinet pick rules:
1. Make sure there is someone who knows what to do
2. Make sure there is someone training to take over
3. When in doubt, go with the new guy

America, I have been working hard to assemble a team for you that matches your amazing potential, and I think I have done it. I am so proud of the team I have, mainly because of their collective talent, but also because of the diversity of their experiences.

I’m so excited to share them with you!

So let's get to it.

Chief of Staff – Oblige, experienced former POTUS to show me the ropes and keep my team on task.
Deputy Chief of Staff – Alexander Valkor II. You may know him as SVV. He will be training to be my CoS in my next term.

Secretary of State – Jefferson Locke - Good communicator and future POTUS
Deputy Secretary of State – Azazel Romanov (New Azazel) former POTUS and expert negotiator
Ambassador to the UK – DylanBAS. This might prove to be the most crucial ambassadorship, and Dylan has the experience in the UK to make it successful.

Secretary of Defense – Emdoublegee - Respected and experienced military leader
Deputy Secretary of Defense – LordRahl2 - Emdoublegee will be away for a bit during my first term, and I want Rahl ready keep things running seamlessly.
USAF Operations Chief – Rainy Sunday - She'll stick around to make sure everything stays on course. She’s awesome and does so much for this country. You should know this.

NSC Director – Heap Seppo - He'll bring back his team of experts, and get our battle strategies humming. He hasn’t sent me his list of deputies yet (angry face), but he did mention n0s3, and I know Henry William French will be there. He will do awesome because he and his team have done so in the not too distant past.

MU Battle Coordinator – Cubby - This is a new position, so I'll give it a little more explanation. The world of eRep is changing to a world where MU Commanders have as much or more influence than some country Presidents. I know we wish we could stay in the good ole days of a single military and everyone fighting for a single cause unquestioningly. But the fact of the matter is this is not the world we play in. So I will not sit back and expect MUs to follow my orders because I am President. I will recruit them to my cause. Cubby is a great person to help me do that job. He will learn every MUs desires and fears, and he will feed that info to the NSC, so we have a good idea of which MUs will fight a given enemy, and thus make better battle plans. But that's just the tip of the iceberg. I want Cubby to actively go out and find MUs that will fight for our cause. It doesn't matter if they are a Brazilian MU, or a Greek MU, or even a former US gone Canadian MU. If Cubby can explain our cause to them and they can believe in our cause, then they can be on our team.

Secretary of Media – TBD – The dude's agent is a tough negotiator, but you can tell from this article, that I need a Secretary of Media badly. 😛
Deputy Secretary of the Media – Melissa Rose - One Wor😛 Experience
A couple of upcoming Staffwriters: OfficerFriendly and PilotPhil
A couple of mass messengers and general jacks of all trades: Dave Gulya and Code-Y

Secretary of the Interior – Index Infinity – Interior is rocking this month and I want to keep that running smoothly
Deputy Secretary of the Interior – Trickstir – He’ll be back to keep the band together
Deputy Secretary of the Interior –Mr.Swagg – ‘cause you can always use more swag. \o/

Secretary of Education – Haselrig – I think he will be my diamond in the rough pick.

Secretary of the Treasury – Pearlswine – My top figurehead pick 🙂

Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security – Tyler Bubblar – Keep up the good work!

Chief Adviser – Cyber Witch – Loads of experience. And I got her to work for the government (heh heh heh) 

Lets see…


I’m missing something…

Oh yeah, VP

I f I win the Presidential election this month, I will ask Molly Emma to stick around and be my VP. I mean, I wouldn’t be doing a very good job of unifying the country if I let go of the top leader of a large part of this country.

No wait…

That wasn’t it…


OH Yeah…
That’s Right

Secretary of FUN – Greeling – Greeling Greeling Greeling Greeling Greeling Greeling Hooray!!

Greeling Greeling Greeling Greeling Greeling Greeling

Greeling Greeling Greeling Greeling Greeling Greeling

That’s the team, I’m so excited. Let do this America!!!

Did your party nominate John Largo? These guys did. (I’ll update as I get them)
The President of The Black Sheep Party has decided to support you for the next country Presidential elections.
The President of Socialist Freedom Party has decided to support you for the next country Presidential elections.
The President of Blood Brethren has decided to support you for the next country Presidential elections.
The President of We The People has decided to support you for the next country Presidential elections.