[Irule4CP] Defence

Day 1,836, 16:47 Published in Australia USA by irule777

Irule777 for Country President of Australia (Defence Article)
This month I worked with some of the greatest Defence staff Australia can offer, and one of the most war knowledged Presidents around. Ranger and staff this term taught me valuable information on our Defence and war systems. And together we all ran a fantastic term of Defence. We’ve had a strong month against Chile and we’ve proved we CAN do it. We’ve proved we have the ability to fight off any nation, even one ten times our size. And with a few additions and minor changes this term. We can remove this threat and we can prevail over any enemy that we’ll face.

Australia’s biggest problem with this war wasn’t the foreign affairs, our education, or our ability to inform the population on the governments work. War comes directly down to Defence and how we run our efforts against the invading nation. And this term we have some work to do on this vital department. Our allies have stepped up to the plate and defended us with constant fighting and now it’s time for us to step up to the plate as well.

MU/ADF Funding

Last term we made a huge move in the ADF by switching to supplying Military Units directly instead of hundreds of daily individuals on some big and clustered list. This in the end saved us hundreds of thousands in monthly budgeting along with standard cuts in the average weapons received daily so we could run battle by battle supplying more. This term I plan to continue with this idea, but refine it based on concerns that were presented.

Multiple MU Commanders had issues with the switch based on a few different things. So I personally contacted any of them that I could about what they exactly had issues with, and their suggestions for reform. One of the main problems I ran across was simply communication. This term our MU supplies will go out with more IN GAME communication, notification, and a weekly reporting date, not multiple times a day. This gives consistency and stability to the program that helps it run efficiently and smoothly.

Since the forums are more controversial than in game items, this term I’ll allow MU commanders to directly report for supplies In game through a standard process and with the help of eGov. The idea of this is to remove the annoyance of the forums from people’s lives. While most CAN post topics and replies and sign in, some continue to push the argument that the forums are not a valid way of governing our nation. And as President, it’s my job to appeal to these fighters and commanders as well (as long as they’re still doing damage for us and being active).

A lot of people simply liked the idea of a national army (the ADF). This term the intent is to keep the ADF of course doing daily orders and MU coordination, but as well delegate some possible funds to them for their own supplying along with MU supplying. While they certainly won’t get as much as they’re used to, this will hopefully continue to employ some form of national supplies for those having issues acquiring any.

Last term our DoD budget ran $600,000 a good portion of the budget. This term my intent will be to keep us on a low budget similar, but maybe slightly higher than the one last month. Due to complaints about not enough money to supply for even daily orders, my hope will be to cut elsewhere and increase in the DoD slightly, but not enough to take an even bigger hit to the RBA.

One of the biggest MU Controversies was HOW the money was split. My policy will stand behind an even split based on active fighters who do damage, not based on how much. If we focus on damage, the MU’s with more D4 members and higher leveled members will end up with more of the money and we’ll end up cutting off our new player supplies which can be so vital to the growing of the next Aussie generation.

The MU funding idea has been a hot topic this month so the hope was to continue on with it, but make the improvements that have been asked for. With these new changes, I’m more than confident that we can employ a higher hitting and more successful military for Australia.

Breaks for the Allies

Another strategy we employed this term was to take small breaks from the constant Resistance wars and go and actually help our allies when they needed it. This gives our players not only the ability to recharge and restock so we’re not running you or the government dry. But it also gives our allies more reason and encouragement to come right back and join us on those vital battles. This term we will continue with this. We can’t run constant anti Chile efforts and expect our allies to stick around when we’re not giving anything back. It’s why we received more help from them this month than any, and it’s why we’ll continue to receive more help from them then any month before.


Defence is always going to be an important department and this month we showed how effectively it can work. Next month we’re going to show how with a few minor edits, we can keep pushing the Australian war train to victory time and time again. Australia is a powerful and strong nation and with the proper leadership and coordination, we can use that any time we like. It’s time to remove Chile and have a country of our own once more and I’m here to provide just that.

Vote Irule777 for Country President of Australia

(Articles to come, Cabinet, Foreign Policy, and more!)