(Gnil4CP^2) My Rationale

Day 2,326, 12:44 Published in USA USA by DylanBAS

This is my official endorsement as a member of the eUS congress for the president of the eUSA, Gnilraps.

This particular election, like many of late, has made me think quite a bit about my choices. I am a P/H Fed, so when Tyler Bubblar announced that he was running, I thought it would be my obvious choice. It turns out that is not the case.

That is not the case for a multitude of reasons, which I will quickly go over here.

1. The Military- This is by far the most important issue facing our nation today. We are in a new alliance, steaming along as the most powerful country in the world, and if you are like me, you would like to see that continue. Well I've got news for you, correctly integrating our military will do just that. Because of the new money grabbing tools battle boosters, our battlefield has experienced what could be a significant change. Whether you like them or not, they appear to be here to stay, and so we need to use them. Gnilraps has personally promised me that he will move forward on plans to form a "horde" MU which, to my understanding, will incorporate any and all MU's who are willing to join alongside the government funded armed services of the USAF-FT. These MU's will retain their autonomy and independence but will benefit from funded battle boosters in key battles at certain times. This will allow us to have a quick and on hand force that can shift key battles in minutes for our allies and for the eUSA.

2. Invasion and Retention of Greelingada-Ever since we invaded and conquered former Canada, now Greelingada, under the Gnilraps administration, we have benefited from it. We have more resources and no threat of Serbian invasion by Canadian proxy. As the conquerors of this land, the current administration knows best how to handle and retain it.

3. The WTP PTO attempt- When the WTP was PTO'ed, Gnilraps kept a level head in a near catch-22 situation and won the day for democracy. Under his leadership, more than 300 people were moved into the right parties for a successful ATO. This is the kind of vigilance we need and the kind we will get with Gnilraps.

I am a fed, I am a congressman, I am P/H, and I urge you to vote Gnilraps.


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Gnil4CP(My Rationale)
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