Zgjedhjet Presidenciale

Day 1,687, 08:55 Published in Albania Albania by DonCurtis

Kjo eshte nje analize per lojtaret qe kane shpallur kandidaturen per president te muajit Korrik. Jemi mesuar qe shpesh te shohim lojtare te vjeter me eksperience qe te kandidojne per postin e presidentit, por kete here kandidatet do jene te gjithe relativisht te rinj (me maksimum 7 muaj eksperience, dhe minumum 3 muaj eksperience).

altinks - Eshte me i riu nga kandidatet per president, ka filluar lojen me 1 Prill, eshte ne nivelin e 29 me 20600 eksperience dhe ne rankun nacional rradhitet i 91. altinks eshte kandidat i partise Aleanca KUQ e ZI, por mbeshtetet nga Partia Nacionaliste dhe Vellazeria Muslimane dhe pritet te fitoje shume vota nga anetaret e ketyre partive. Lexo KETU se cfare altinks premton!

DardanH - Ka filluar lojen me 10 Shkurt, dhe eshte ne nivelin e 28 me 18800 eksperience. Ne rankun nacional rradhitet i 108. Njihet si nje lojtar qe ka inkuadruar shume lojtar te rinj ne loje (me shume se 700). Kandidon per partine eDemokratike qe ka afersisht 50 anetar, por pritet qe te marre shume vota nga lojtaret qe ai i ftoi te luajne ne kete loje. Pas terheqes se Albanian Pirat, DardanH mer mbeshtetjen e Ballit Kombetar. Lexo KETU se cfare DardanH premton!

Albanian Pirat (Terheq Kandidaturen) - Per here te pare filloi te luaje me 2 Mars dhe tani gjendet ne nivelin e 28 me 17050 eksperience. Ne rankun nacional rradhitet i 131. Eshte kandidati qe ka luftuar me shume per eShiperine me 25.3 milion demtim, dhe kandidonte per Ballin Kmbetar. Pas bisedimeve me DardanH, ka vendosur qe ai te terhiqet, dhe personat qe deshironin ta votonin Albanian Pirat, te votojne DardanH!

Kleantjo The Legend - Ka filluar lojen me 9 janar, gje qe e ben kandidatin me te vjeter per president te eShqiperise. Eshte ne nivelin e 32 me 37050 eksperience. Ne rankun nacional eshte i 36. Kandidon per Illyrians Party dhe njihet si nje shok i ish-udheheqesit te popullit shqipetar Napoleone54, ndaj edhe mund te kete marre disa keshilla per qeverisje nga ai. Nuk ka krijuar artikull per te treguar se cfare premton!

Podujeva1 (Terheq Kandidaturen) - Filloi lojen me 30 Mars dhe eshte ne nivelin 28 (njejte si DardanH dhe Albanian Pirat) me 16820 eksperience. Ne rankun nacional rradhitet i 134. Eshte kandidat qe perfaqeson partine Shqiperia Etnike. Sipas tij, ai nuk luan mjaftueshem per te qene president dhe per ti permbushur objektivat e tij. Ne intervisten e bere nga Ififif, ai thote se nese dikush deshiron te jape voten atij, nuk duhet ta beje. Ai I porosit mbeshtetesit e tij te votojne altinks ne vend te tij, dhe kjo do te thote se edhe ai jep doreheqen nga kandidatura.

VOTONI NE SONDAZH: http://bit.ly/MRDr85

Don Kurtishi, Korrieri!

This is an analysis for the players that are candidates for president of July. Most of the times, we’ve seen old, experienced players to be candidates for president, but this time, the candidates will be relatively new players (with max. 7 months in-game and min. 3 months).

altinks – He’s the youngest candidate for president, came to this game on the 1st of April, and he is now in level 29 with 206000 experience and in national rank, he’s ranked 91st. altinks is a candidate of RED and BLACK Alliance (Aleanca KUQ e ZI), but he is supported by Nationalist Party (Partia Nacionaliste) and Muslim Brotherhood (Vellazeria Muslimane) and is expected to win many votes from these 3 parties’ members. Read HERE what altinks promises (only in Albanian)!

DardanH – Started the game on 10th of February and he’s on level 28 with 18800 experience. In national rank he is listed 108th. He is known as a player that has incorporated many new players in this game (over 700 players). He is a candidate of eDemocratic Party (Partia eDemokratike) which has approximately 50 members, but he is expected to gain votes from the players he invited to join this game. After the candidature withdraw of DardanH, he got the support of Balli Kombetar. Read HERE what DardanH promises (only in Albanian)!

Albanian Pirat – For the first time he started playing on the 2nd of March and now he’s on level 28 with 17050 experience. In national rank he is listed 131st. He is the candidate that has fought more than the others for eAlbania with 25.3 million damage, and he was a candidate of Balli Kombetar. After some negotiations with DardanH, he decided that he should withdraw his candidature, and he says that players that wanted to vote Albanian Pirat, should now vote DardanH!

Kleantjo The Legend – Has started the game on the 9th of January, and this makes him the oldest candidate for president of eAlbania. He’s on level 32 with 37050 experience. In national rank, he is listed 36th. He is a candidate of Illyrians Party and is known as a friend of ex-leader of Albanian nation: Napoleon54, and Kleantjo may have gotten some advices about how to lead a country from Napoleon54.

Podujeva1 – Started the game on 30th of March and he is on level 28 (same as DardanH and Albanian Pirat) with 16820 experience. In national rank he is listed 134th. He is a candidate that represents the Ethnic Albania party (Shqiperia Etnike). He says that he isn’t active enough to be the president and to fulfill his objectives. In an interview by Ififif, he says that if someone wants to vote him, shouldn’t do so. Instead of voting him, they should vote altinks, and this means that he withdraws his candidature.

VOTE IN THE POLL: http://bit.ly/MRDr85

Don Kurtishi, The Courrier