WHPR [Day 1,211] The Union is Strong, or How I Learned that Glove is Love

Dan 1,211, 16:07 Objavljen vUSA ZDA s strani James S. Brady Press Room

1.) Save the Date
2.) America is Whole
3.) Links to Live By

White House Press Conference:

Save the date: Saturday, March 19th, 18:30. A White House press conference featuring President Glove and Chief of Staff Justin McCravok will be hosted at #whitehouse.public. (Oh yeah, some guy named PQ will be there too.)

The Union is Undivided:

President Glove's recent messages of initiative and retribution -- as artfully spelled out in his recent articles We Are Building a Nation - This is Our Time and Retribution is a Must -- have quickly borne fruit.

An election agreement has been reached with iNCi. Both party and election officials are on high-alert, working vigorously to ensure social stability and national unity.

The executive cabinet is functioning well and the innovative intern program is getting more people involved. And yes, Arm America is returning soon.

With respect to foreign affairs: PANAM is getting a new lease on life and a fresh start. Our French allies showed outstanding valor in the liberation of Tennessee. Our Chinese allies are continuing to push into Indonesia.

But perhaps most exciting of all: The USA is now whole again, having recovered all of its natural regions, and continues to hold on to a few others for good meaure.

It is often said that Glove is love. I believe, don't you?

Providing additional evidence of good times, in A Free and Independent State, JCS Chief Bradley Reala jublilates on the USA once again being free of invaders. Citizen-General Reala summed it up well: "Our victory was not one isolated battle. It was a coordinated effort by our soldiers and our allies, and today is the culmination of weeks of hard work."

If you are subscribed to the WH Press Room (WHPR) and to the following papers, then congratulations because you're doing it right.

- Department of Defense Orders, from the Department of Citizen Orders

- Easyrider, from the Pony Express

- The Vanguard World, President Glove's paper

xio, PQ