WHPR [Day 1,096] - Burn My Shadow Away

Day 1,096, 14:07 Published in USA USA by James S. Brady Press Room
I burned my tomorrows, and I stand inside today at the edge of the future as my dreams all fade away.

Sitting on Our Hands

Arm America will soon be up and running!

Due to the recent media outage there's been nearly nothing new coming in. And that, America, is just not good. It's pretty sad to see a Pony Express be voted so low, or to see that our very important article about Ambassadors is getting next to no attention, or to see that within the Top 10 news articles we have a paper with only 35 votes.

America, I am disappoint.

I thought we were past this stage of apathy already. I mean, I get that with all the
super important things going on in the world your focus may be a little off, but this is just kinda sad. I feel personally responsible, as do the rest of the Media team, about this failure. But let's be honest, it will never quite be the same. But that's no reason to stop trying.

Get up offa that thing, America, and let's boogie.

Who Wants to be a Media Idol?

It's getting serious America, and we're down to the wire on how many hours you have left to put your paper in for the Media Idol competition. It's really quite simple: all you have to do is click here and see if you fellow countrymen and countrywomen think your paper is a sexy as you do (though I can assure you that it's not nearly as sexy or as shoeless as mine). Voting begins Monday, and as of right now about 20 papers have applied.

And America, I want you to know, this isn't about the potential government attention, or the ability to reach a wider audience with your sweet intentions and ideas all bundled up in your paper. It's about being awesome, and whoever wins will be awesome. That I can assure you.

So sorry again for the advertisement (I know you hate it) but it's a serious opportunity (which I know you love).

Just do it.

Show Me Your Moves

Right now there are two groovy things that you can do as an eUS citizen that the government is totally head over heals about (the old time slang stops here, btw).

You may have heard by reading the first paragraph that our government is in need of ambassadors. It's a serious thing, America, and those of you wanting to get a government job should definitely consider it. With ambassadors, we're able to go over to other countries and prove one of two things: that they should be our friends because we think they're awesome enough, or they should STFU and GTFO because they're dirty soulless robots who consume the lives of men. Either way, its important shiz, and if you're feeling like you could use to either make some friends or shout at Russians, you should get involved, care of Nicholas Ryan (who is indeed as sexy as he claims to be).

Another thing that all you fresh faces out there could learn to use more is the Training Corps (and yes it is as hardcore as you think). Prior President and Pretty Cool Guy Colin Lantrip went through the Training Corps himself recently. Why would such a player as Colin, who is well versed in the ways of this game, go into the Training Corps you might ask? Especially during his own term as Country President?

Because TC is like a boss.

Seriously, the amount you will learn, the people you will meet, and the overall quality of the program is one of the finest in the world. They pound out top fighters like they're going out of style (which they aren't). Its one of the best things you can do as a new player. So if any of you have ever dreamed of growing up to pound the meat and stuffing out of your sworn foes with your bare fists, you should definitely join the Training Corps.


Stay frosty.

Linkmaster Extraordinaire