War. What Is It Good For?

Day 1,223, 17:12 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Devoid
Lots of stuff.

At the start of this term, we were promised some action. What have we gotten? A couple limp-wristed training wars. Training wars are not fun. We haven't crushed Ireland (who is totally askin' for it). We haven't seized Valhalla. Hell, we haven't even swapped into the lands of our great friends in France to borrow a grain region, which some argue would be a great boon for our economy.

But but...what if attacking someone makes us enemies! We could get hurt! *sniffle*

I scoff at that sentiment. We're already dying. Dying of boredom. Surely you have noticed how low our population and activity has gotten. We should not be content to hide under our collective blanket while the rest of the world moves on without us. There's a fine line between concerned over self-preservation, and cowardly.

I'm not saying we should go berzerker on the world. But a proper war would do a lot of good for this country. If our government cannot figure out a way to clear us a proper war and get this country back on the path to GLORY, then I don't have a very high opinion of our government, and am left to hope that perhaps the next administration will be stronger.
