So, I won!

Day 788, 22:03 Published in USA United Kingdom by Devoid

^me, except with a red, white, and blue flag

I was down a bit early, but rallied to win handily in the end. Three main reasons why I won:

1) Big support within the party, including a beastly mass-mailing effort from lovely libs Oakden and AmyHat, and articles from a handful of quality chaps and chapesses.

2) Support from friends outside the party. A number of friends from all various parties and affiliations throughout the country gave me their votes, and offered to bring in extra vote-power if needed. Oh so appreciated.

3) I gave my avatar a mustache. Libertarians like mustaches (see exhibit A), and this is about when the tide turned.

Exhibit A: 2008 Libertarian Presidential candidate Bob Barr

In all seriousness though, I'm glad to have the position, and I intend to do nice things with it. Do check up on this new article in the Libertarian Bulletin, where I introduce all the cool people that are going to help me achieve world domination I mean make this party kick more ass.
