A Bright, Sexy Libs Future

Day 788, 21:20 Published in USA USA by The Libertarian Bulletin

For a few hours there the Libs were scratching their heads wondering who Allister Black was and how he was getting so many votes, but that was quickly resolved when the Sexy Libs and some awesome friends from other parties, such as the AAP, put their stamp of approval on our appointed man, Devoid, and made him into the newest person to hold the title of Libertarian Party President.

For the curious minds; this is not the first time Mr. Black has run for Libertarian Party President. He ran during the last election and amassed a total of five votes against DanielCD. His final result in this election, a total of 100 votes, seems to indicate that he's either better known than we assumed or that a lot of two clickers voted for, "that guy with the business suit and the goatee."


Anyway, thanks again to all the voters who pulled together and put Devoid in the lead. Your vote means that all of the hard work and planning of the LPSC, President Devoid, Former President DanielCD and several other hard working Libs will not be lost and the Libs will continue to grow bigger, better, stronger and sexier every day.


A note from Smexy New Party President, Devoi😛

"First, thanks to all of you who voted for me. I intend to build off the foundation that DanielCD's administration put into place, and help turn this party into something formidable. I intend to place an emphasis on recruiting, not just bringing new members in from the outside, but especially turning inactive members into active ones who will hang out with us on IRC and vote where we need them to. I've appointed a bunch of talented and loyal Libs to help me accomplish this; you'll be introduced to them elsewhere in this article...although perhaps 'introduced' isn't the best word, because you no doubt know at least some of them already. Including a certain PAC Director who every Lib should know...."

"Anyway, I appreciate that the party has put its trust in me to help steer this ship; with your help, we shall not fail."


The Talented and Loyal Libs


LifesaverM, Party VP & Member of the LPSC:

"I have been a citizen of the eWorld since September. Within a week of searching for a party to call home I choose the sexy Libs, because it just felt like home. I have developed relations with several parties and serve as the Lib ambassador to two parties, but the Libs are home."

LifesaverM, a current member of the eUS Military serving in the 301st Platoon in the Training Corps Reserves Division, has been involved in eUS Government activities almost from the day he arrived.

"Being a quick learner, I became a Dept. of Education Mentor under Jasper Ferguson and Sam Kraus's leadership, during a period when the department was dealing with much transition. I also served as a technical advisor to the program. My latest endevour, which began development a while ago and just recently launched, is the new website for the eUS known as the Citizens InfoHub."


"The site has initially been designed as a one stop resource for new citizens, but will continue to develop and be a valuable resource for all citizens new and seasoned alike."

"I came into the Libs under Daphne's administration while DanielCD was being preped to take the helm. I've been very excited to see the party rebuilt and I'm looking forward to working with Devoid and the rest of the leadership team to take the libs to the next level. We have a solid foundation for the party now. My hat’s off to DanielCD, Sydiot, and the rest of the steering committee. Now we can take what they started, build upon it and take the party to the next Phase in its development."


Sydiot, Director of Finances & Chairman of the LPSC:

"I'm psyched to be a part of Devoid's team as the Financial Director. My main goal in the cabinet will be to watch our finances, plan our investments and raise funds for the party to use in our political and humanitarian programs. When Devoid was the work director for the party, he started the process of using party labor and resources to produce guns and make a profit. I hope to back him up there and look for other ways for our team to be self-sufficient and productive. I'm going to propose new opportunities for the party to invest in its members and help make being a LIbertarian more than just a party designation - we can be friends with benefits."

"I will stay on as Chairman of the Steering Committee as long as they'll have me. We will no doubt be having our usual informed and civil Presidential debate for the Lib nomination as we have the last two months, and I'm considering making it a public (but muted) meeting. I think people understand that the Libs are as non-partisan and collective thinking as any party in the country and we have a pretty good track record for picking the POTUS. Perhaps more people would peek in at our decision making?"

"I also want shout out Dan who made the Libs sexier than ever, and who now has the time he needs to fulfill all of his other responsibilities. He sorely deserves to be retired."


Will Walton, Outreach Director & Member of the LPSC:

"I’m looking forward to a productive month as Outreach Director for Devoid! Like I did when I was previously Recruitment Director under DanielCD, I will continue the practice of working with our communications team to mass mail current members to keep them active. However, Outreach is more than just Recruitment, and I view it as a three-part task: Getting new party members, getting these members active, and then keeping these members active. We will be working with a new libertarian mentor program in order to help get new members, followed by the mass mailing to try to reach less active members. Getting members onto our IRC channel is one of our top priorities. Keeping these members active is not solely the point of the Outreach Department, but we will try to help play an important role in this by keeping average party members “in the loop” of new party events and developments."

"I'd like to thank DanielCD for offering me my first big break in eRepublik, as recruitment director, and subsequently my LPSC membership. I really owe a lot of my recent success to him."


Iasov, Director of Internal Affairs & Member of the LPSC:

“With regard to Internal Affairs, I have a few ideas that I hope will make us a better party. I know not whether all of them will come to fruition but they involve having currently active IRC members assist existing Libertarians in becoming more active. It is my hope that by increasing the number of active Libertarians we will increase what I believe is a "pool of active party members" though right now, despite our activity, it is more of a puddle. 😛 I would like to first message any Libertarians who have donated to the Libs or who have commented on Lib articles. I believe that these people, having shown initiative, can be recruited to our "pool" and will thus be an asset to any Libertarian official who might have need of them. Furthermore, judging by the information provided by the Synergy Research Group, I would like to oversee a mass messaging campaign of non-party affiliated players in the hope that some will join our party. Increasing activity on IRC has been an ongoing process for many months, particularly during DanielCD's administration. The next logical step is increasing forum activity.”

“While I believe this could also be done through both persistence and patience, I think we might be able to increase forum activity through the use of a type of status update, akin to Facebook. Forum members could make posts that, while not increasing their forum post count, they might find enjoyable to update. Threads such as "What song are you listening to now?" or "What was the last thing you did?" or perhaps even "Pictures of yourself" I hope will increase overall forum activity thus ensuring that people are regularly checking the forum.”

“By simply having a *reason* to go to the forum, perhaps to update a song or whatever, I hope that more people will actively post on actual Libertarian politics, limited as they seem right now. I could also readily implement a forum game (provided we have other members to play it) as I have hosted and moderated forum games in the past. I have even developed my own though I have never seen it put to use. When it comes to the technical side of the Libertarian party, well, I have bot scripting experience and I am interested in implementing the API to better serve our party by providing not only information as the current eRepublik bot does but also News updates, and perhaps even an hourly Lib Party update, whatever the bot is set to say. However, as I told Devoid, this is something I have put on the back burner as I would have to rewire a script for an eggdrop bot as well as find a host for it though Kalidar comes to mind.”

“I am not sad to see DanielCD leave us as party president, but my only reason for that is the Libertarian Party Steering Committee agreed to replace him with Devoid. I know of the close working relationship between Devoid and DanielCD and I know that the party will continue to be a successful one. With regard to DanielCD, I must say that he did an exemplary job of organizing the party. Many Libertarians may know that I have been a member of the party for a very long time. Not only am I an older and stronger eRepublik player than many of the active Libs, but I have also been a longtime idler in the IRC channel. As such, I have logs from back when Claire Littleton was Party President. I was not as active back then, but I paid enough attention to realize that the party under Claire's leadership, as much as I got along with and enjoyed talking to Claire, was floundering. Daphne Lilac should be credited and applauded for keeping the party together, for not allowing it to crumble. However, it was DanielCD and his leadership that sparked the reawakening of the Libertarian Party and, as I said, reorganized it to what it is today. Based on this trend, and with DanielCD's continued presence, I can only expect great things for the party, be it under Devoid's administration or beyond. I am proud to be a member of this party, to say the least, and will continue to help and watch it grow.”


DanielCD, former PP and Director of the P.A.C.:

"I intend on keeping up on the good work we've done so far in elections under my leadership, and possibly expanding our congressional representation by a small margin."

&quot😉evoid needs to have the patience and good-will I had during my terms to secure congress well, and I'll be doing my best to train or restrain him when needed if it deals with elections." 😉

"... and I'm a fmr PP. I can say what I want."

"Be sure to include a "Remembering DCD" section in the article." 😉

Me: "LOL, Will do, DCD."


Remembering DanielCD

During my time in eRepublik I have known no other Party President. I joined almost litterally as DanielCD was taking over and Daphne was leaving. His well written articles, sense of humor and amazing diplomacy in the face of adversity have been an inspiration, not just to me but to many of the Libs.

Glowing endorsements, such as this one by Robert Oakden, are not rare where DanielCD is concerned, "I look up to him for what he's done for the party. BradleyReala is the one who drug me to the Libs, but DanielCD is one of the ones who has helped me understand what all is going on. He's just a good all around leader. Sorry to see him step back, to be honest. Looking forward to working with him coordinating the elections."

Or this from BradleyReala, "When I began my time in the Libs it was DanielCD who made it possible for me to run for Congressman. During that time the eUSA was still under attack and borders changed almost daily. The first two states I picked to run in fell to Russian assaults and I quickly became disheartened. It was DanielCD who pushed me to not give up and run in Tennessee. Since that time I credit each and every election I have won to him. He is not only a good leader,but a good friend and I am sorry to see him go."

DanielCD has lead us into the dawn of a new era, breaking ground on new concepts and not letting the fear of retribution or judgement from seasoned citizens keep him from doing what was best for the party and the eUS. Some in the future, who will not know him except by name, may say, "what did he ever do for us?" To them I will say, "look around. Do you see the strong leadership the Libs enjoy? Do you feel the unity and sense of family we have here? This is just a small portion of what he did for us."

So, I lift my glass to DanielCD and I say, "thank you, Mr President. May your future be as bright as your past and may your good works continue to be know from now until the end of days. We are all looking forward to seeing you run the P.A.C. and giving support to President Devoid as he leads us on to that bright future you set ahead of us."

Carry on, DanielCD, carry on.


Fellow Libs and friends, please feel free to bid a fond fare-thee-well to our former Party President DanielCD and welcome our new Party President, Devoid in the comments section below.

Peace, Love, Flowers and Naked Bunnies,

http://i46.tinypic.com/29ldx5w.jpg" />

OK, not totally naked...


Proud, Sexy Lib,

Director of Communications

and a pretty nice gal... most of the time.


Join us on IRC @ #uslibs2