PP4CP: The potential VP has a few words for you all

Day 2,018, 17:58 Published in USA USA by saraht0ga

As you all make your way to the voting booth these next few days, I have one thing to tell you that I'd like you to keep in min😛

Paul Proteus is freakin' awesome. Not only is he the epitome of manliness, with several very impressive chest hairs, he also knows how to talk to the ladies. That's right ladies, Paul's looking at you. And he likes what he sees.

Did you know that Indiana Jones is only afraid of three things?

Snakes, commitment, and Paul Proteus.

That is only a fraction of the fear he feels for Paul Proteus

Okay okay, now that I've gotten your attention with my amazing photoshop skills (except that first one. That was totally Derphoof.), I'll tell you what I really want to say.

Paul, being the awesome guy that he is, decided someone relatively new to the game needed to be VP. He wanted a friend, someone that he could trust. And he wanted somebody who, for some reason, seems to like everybody.

He wanted me as his VP.

That threw me off there too for a minute. Me? As VP? But I haven't even done any national work, outside of one term in congress! My biggest achievements have been hosting eAMPR for 4 months, and being Media Director in AMP for 3. Just last week I was promoted to CO for the Fighter Wing branch of the USAF, but that hadn't happened yet when he asked me. So why would he want me, and why, more importantly, should I accept?

It took a lot of thought. Several days, actually, during which I'm sure Paul nearly had a panic attack. It seemed like a big responsibility, and I wasn't sure if I was up for it. But then Paul told me the real reason he chose me. Because he trusts me.

And I think he has every reason to. I'm honest about my thoughts, but I won't go around telling other people's secrets. If I say I'm going to do something (like write this article), I do it. Paul's my friend, and despite the fact that we're in two different parties who have had a little bit of inter-party frustration and rivalry in the past couple terms, we've managed to stay friends through that.

I ultimately decided to take the position not only because Paul trusts me, but because he's my friend. If a friend asks me to help them with something, I'm going to do everything I can to help. And America, now that Paul's got his chance at CP with me along for the ride as VP, I'm going to be doing all I can to help YOU.

So, you guys should vote for Paul, because if we end up in the White House, it's gonna be two friends, hanging out, doing the best they can for eAmerica.

And also having constant Oval Office dance parties.

Just sayin'.