Newsworld Weekend

Day 970, 21:38 Published in Greece Greece by Dodona

Good morning and welcome to DBC World.

Let's see what's making news around the world these last few days.

** Citizens and countries all around the New World are slowly adjusting to v2 environment. The first few days have been a shock for many. The transition has been challenging, creating severe economic problems, both micro and macroeconomics. There are three fundamental reasons for that:
- bugs and faulty economic formulas during the first few days
- the collapse of demand for some final goods
- People had to move from Larissa to Athens and from Memphis to Chicago overnight. Pardon the Old World analogy.

Things are slowly getting better, however, and the New World is awaiting the Military Module to further improve things.

** Yes the battles are coming! Day 972. There will probably be problems at the beginning, so take it easy. Countries like Poland, Hungary and the USA have started deploying troops already, in order not to be caught off guard. Army Commanders have one more day to decide what kind of troops to deploy and where.

** Field Marshals in despair! Ok not quite, but they certainly didn't like the new damage formula at first. In v2 battlefield your weapon's basic damage will matter the most. Then it's rank, skill, terrain etc. And of course there will be the boosters. Rank matters for critical damage, however, so FM**s won't go on strike. yet!
You can see the new military formulas here

** How about a European Super Alliance to take down the US and whoever they please?
Croatia, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Serbia and Spain united?
Bogdan-L, Editor of From The Shelf initiated the conspiracy theory which spread around Europe and the other side of the Atlantic. ok it's not gonna happen, but it's a fun theory. Feel free to leave a comment with your own dream alliance.

** Indonesian PTO on Australia continues. They control the Presidency and the Congress (marginally). Strangely enough the MPP proposal with Romania passed. Someone pressed the wrong button me thinks. Australian officials are planning their next moves together with their allies, behind closed doors.

** There's something about Titanium. Canadian titanium to be exact. Nunavut and NWT are high on it, with Australia, Russia and South Africa being the only other countries with high titanium regions. Australia is under PTO and geographically remote from its allies. So Canada is in a very favorable position here. Jakobi, a very prominent Canadian, openly favors Canadian monopoly in titanium, within EDEN/Brolliance. Americans would -naturally- like to rent, so there are lots of discussions in N.American media on this issue. It goes something like this:

CND1: We will not rent NWT. We want monopoly!
Amer1: oh c'mon now, sharing is caring
CND2: He's right, we have to help our allies
Amer1: That's my bro!
CND3: So what's the price?
CND1: duh...
Amer2: Let's talk about it
Amer3: Let's nuke them [/joke]

If you want my opinion, Canadian -Territories- titanium belongs to its inhabitants. Yes, for the most part this means bears, bison, caribou and all the rest of the rich wildlife of the Canadian North.

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