[Seanan] A proposal for a State Commune system

Day 2,261, 07:29 Published in Ireland Ireland by Seanan

Greetings Citizens & Comrades,

Background - Skip to The Proposal for tl;dr
During the last Dail term it was decided that this month's rental money from the US was to be invested into infrastructure upgrades for Military Units; I supplied the Dail with my preliminary report of commune infrastructure in the country prior to the decision as to give an informed view of the situation.

My report basically implied that 70,000 IEP would not go very far among the units who truly needed it; partly because all military units studied bar CrOmega are set up as maximum military-output organizations rather than economic organizations. Funding is a confusing matter for anyone not in a command role - as systems are not in the public eye (or even membership's eye), individuals cannot properly assess so simply trust the clogs behind the scenes to keep on turning and give full priority to utilizing the military module.

Providing our soldiers the chance to fully focus on their profession is any military leaders dream - whilst the clogs are actually turning. My report illustrated that Irish military units' clogs need a bit of oil - there has yet to be an accurate investigation into actually how much funds go into communes systems from communal sharing (so why its being suggested as a parameter in the MU incentive planning group... I'll do my best to make sure those funds are not fancifully squandered, ladies & gentlemen!), but without proper publication, it will forever be a confusing topic.

TL😃R - I propose a State Commune System; open to every Irish citizen regardless of Military Unit or Political Party membership. To pool the Irish commune infrastructure under one roof, to publicize (sensitively) the financial inputs of the system regularly, create a common vested interest and to utilize the designated Monetary Fishing gains allocated to defence by the Department of Finance to enhance the cooperative group's output.

*Using the recent 70,000 IEP rental money as a teething and legacy payment.

Before I start, first order of business should be to mourn the regrettable loss of Minister Appleman after his sudden&unexplained heart-attack.

During 2011 into 2012 - Ireland operated a supply infrastructure which supplied every Irish citizen, regardless of Military Unit or Political Party, Q7 weapons to be used in accordance of the Strike Leader's direction - the supply was regularly done on IRC and ingame. It was a prime example of Socialist Initiative; It was an attractive immigration prospect, It pushed an agenda of Individual choice, It allowed Military Unit proliferation without comprising national coordination, either in the supply or purchase of weapons - the benefit was felt by those who wanted it.

It's 2014 - our treasury cannot, and may never, return to a level which such spending is sustainable. The next best method of distributing to the regular citizen is effective use of commune systems. Supplemented by State, but supported by the people themselves.

This is another Socialist Initiative. While I don't wear red often, at core there are some fundamental principles I believe make up 'e-socialism'; comradeship, fun, open opportunity, creation. While not everyone's cup of tea, a common infrastructure system has more potential to be better funded and more effectively used when the interest group is so large - its Socialist, its also part of a Militarism agenda. There is reason across the political spectrum to support this cause.

Summary; Gather a group of willing operators, establish how transactions will work, if exciting commune - establish current production and current additional input, weekly reports illustrating the top donors (operators, MUs, parties, individuals, etc) & an indication of overall Capacity of the system (my method is 100% = each worker will receive 10 Q7 tanks per day), organize a supply delivery system to rival current tools.

Before getting into the nitty gritty of my proposed roadmap, there are some understanding which will have a significant impact on the end product;

✯ While the proposal would increase the demand for the supply service on the State, the gains from the Monetary Markets are stable (not increasing dramatically), hence subsidy funding is very unlikely to increase. Initially, those benefiting from the subsidy system stand to lose - whilst those outside the subsidy system stand to gain; in the long term, however, the system should balance out or improve.

✯ Encouraging consistent investment would be crucial to success - on the surface a simple concept, but in practice, managing investment can be heavily bias; there is a difference been making an investment and simply donating. If you consider the benefit of every citizen enrolled in the communes as your 'return' then the investor will be content. If prestige is the desired return, a concept of relevance in system has to be a feature. If you're a partisan, well, why invested in anyone other than your own group - along the same lines of anyone wanting to see a financial return. There are hard and solid reasons for a State Commune, but at the core, an ideology which embraces the 'goodness' of communal spirit is a must.

1) Gather Operators
Hard and simple - if they own a Q7 Weapon Company, then they have the ability to open a commune. Renting isn't a luxury anyone can afford, Q7 Companies are barely profitable anyway, so the operators are the first volunteers & benefactors to the people who rely on them.

2) Analysis of current production, worker counts, inputs etc of Operators &/or organizations
Self explained - must know every factor of the system for any hope of management.

3) Work out with Department of Finance the transaction process
In current practice; the Worker clicks 'Work' > Operator gathers all WRM needed to assign Work Click to Q7 Production > Operator then sends the entire Weapon production to MoF > If the operator was unable to meet the entire cost of the WRM, MoF sends back the difference > MoF sends Weapons onto Suppliers > Suppliers supply. In large, requires the Operator to be honest about their expenditure (if they have any - and not just part of their investment) - but MoF isn't going to pay more than basecost (international price) so its never an issue nor has been.

Investment transaction process is more difficult. You can't send to Orgs, so who handles&records the collection? Ideally, a head of organization would - and pass on the bulk & records to the Department of Finance. Then individual donors can cross check in the weekly publication.

4) Weekly Publication
Basically, a league table of donors with a big number in the middle-bottom with the "Capacity" of the system. Separated by a permanent honour to the Operators, a league of most giving Military Unit, a league of most giving Party, a league of most giving Individual. And a link to a spreadsheet with everyone's recorded donation amount.

Rubbish sketch:

5) Supply
The clincher - after all this messing around, how do you determine supply? A State Commune is a subsidy funded adventure - majority of funds from private citizens, but the contract between the receiver and supplier still applies.

Talking as a member of the Army, following State Orders isn't a problem as its the DO and Army HQ is obliged to call soldiers to mobile battles the Taoiseach instructs to. Not every player and military unit wants to be part of a State unit, however.

During the 2011-12 period, with the supply of Q7 weapons to everyone, the principle going on "Free stuff! As many weapons as you can use! As long as you use them - here". It was an individual's choice where to fight, expect one route got them tanks to use. That never interfered with a unit's sovereignty, everyone's on the same side, just helped coordinate our soldiers at an individual level.

Nought so simple with a commune, because working in a commune is consistent. With the instant weapon supply, you'd fight in accordance with the supplier when it was convenient to follow - but commune supply is a daily thing.

My proposal is daily & religiously up-kept Department of Defence orders - looking at utilizing PULSE for players who want offline supply, ingame supply on DoD order articles (screenshots) and IRC supply at regular points. Weapon supply condition on following those objectives - if don't fight or fight elsewhere, alternative supply of the non-subsided production in form of IEP (very important/desired by new players in the commune system - as Army HQ found out with the opening of commune doors to Bootcamp). With a strong team of suppliers from across the military broad, serving the entire system, its an achievable system.

*The actual supply would need to be re-calculated based on the demand, production and additional inputs this system would attract if adopted.

This would be an ambitious undertaking.

I've been told this proposal would shake Ireland to its core and cause untold amount of arguing; well, Ireland? Feeling restless? This is one of the most Left wing policies you could suggest as a national objective. 'e-Socialist' by its approach. If you don't like communes, you'd probably be crapping yourself about the prospect of making them even more freely available.

But, obviously, I think its a groovy idea. It promotes individualism and equality (a criteria to join being 'Irish citizen' is very open), promotes communal spirit (sharing a commune space, workload and benefit), promotes responsibility of our economic infrastructure and lastly it promotes a militarized coordinated nation of warriors.

To be honest, I savour the concept of proposing a Left-wing system which is -supposedly- against my 'vested interest' as high ranking officer of the current exclusively subsided State Army and has no obvious connection with my party's identify. But now I'm just waving my cock, oh me!

Socialism, Militarism, Community.

To the Citizens of our Glorious Republic,
Ireland first! Drinks with Army after! Politicians to the block!
Éire Abú