Day 2,301, 07:08 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Ministry of Defence

This is the official newspaper of the eUK's Ministry of Defence and it contains the military news for the eUK. Subscribe at the top right of this page, and check your newspaper subscription box on the homepage so you never miss an article again. Vote for this article in the top left of the page and post the link to this in your 'feeds' on the homepage so nobody else misses one either.


Here is our team for this month!


Mario RIO Smerc

Prio 1: Fight for UK in Scotland http://www.erepublik.com/en/military/battlefield/49564

Prio 2: Fight for Poland in East Of England http://www.erepublik.com/en/military/battlefield/49553

Explanation: At this moment in time as many are aware. We currently Face Multiple Countries. This makes Organisation all that more important.

Please Do not Fight in RW's at this moment in time unless the eUK MOD Issues orders to do so. We have Poland helping now against Rep Of Moldova. USA are already Fighting France.

We must fight smart and that means concentrating on one battle at a time. So please look out for shouts, Check IRC #MoD channel and together we will come through this stronger.

Fight smart

Damage done in a battle that doesn't need it, is damage thrown away. If it is not needed there, fighting there only serves to waste your time and supplies. Try to fight in one of our priority battles which has the damage under 55%. Use your intelligence, if we have three priorities open, fight in the highest priority where your damage is needed.

Keep up to date and the IRC

Please pay attention to the orders in the #MoD channel and/or on this paper.

Just check the channel topic to see what our orders are. Our MoD team can update the bot Teh-EvilCode which resides in #MoD also. Type !cb and you should have up to date information.

Direct Link to #MoD on the Rizon IRC channel: http://tinyurl.com/MODwarRoom
or copy & paste the url: http://mibbit.com/?channel=%23MoD&server=rizon.mibbit.org

eUK Forum(s)

The eUK forum is not an official erepublik tool, it is something that has been developed by the community. It holds many features that can enrich your erepublik experiance as it is something that has evolved over time - it is worth having at least a peak every now and then. Check out the forum and other features listed below by clicking on the banner you want to look into...

Your Ministry of Defence team