[Breaking News] King Woldy vanquishes false King Willy in stunning electoral victory!

Day 2,755, 11:28 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Ministry of Glorious Praise

Good evening loyal subjects of the eUK, I bring glorious news to you on this fine evening.

In the recent Presidential election, King Woldy has engineered a great triumph; ensuring that his loyal apprentice Fataliix emerged triumphant in a landslide victory against his opponent; the evil false King Willy, pretender to the eUK throne and commander of a vast legion of multi accounts.

Here are the official election results:

As you can see, our gracious King Woldy has won a tremendous electoral victory against the evil false king; clearly the people of the eUK overwhelmingly support our liege continuing his benevolent rule over us.

This victory is revealed as all the more important when it is revealed that not only is Willy a false pretender to the throne, he is also none other than the infamous global troublemaker Ajay Bruno, who has been attempting to destabilise the eUK with his use of multi accounts to take power in UKPP and abuse of those who oppose him. Indeed, our very own retired Dear Leader Aleks Popovic received some unrepeatable abuse from this character, just for speaking out.

Luckily for the eUK, gracious King Woldy and his loyal band of eUK patriots have been on hand to defeat Ajay before he could get a foothold in our great country.

So, good citizens of the eUK, do not listen to this Ajay’s lies, and know that his only intention is to attack us and usurp power from those who legitimately hold it!

Thank you for reading,

The Royal Ministry for Glorious Praise of our Benevolent and Noble Monarch, King Woldy I of the eUnited Kingdom (RMoGPBNMKWeUK)