[bowen199] Domestic Manifesto – The Lair

Day 1,167, 10:37 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by bowen199

Welcome to my Domestic Manifesto for the February 2011 Country President Elections. Although February may be the shortest month of the year and often only remembered for Valentine’s Day. This February however will be a significant month for eUK citizens. Here I will detail how the ministries involved with domestic affairs will focus on meeting the needs of those who are new or old to the eUK.

Ministry of Entertainment

I’ll start off with the introduction of the newest ministry, the MoEnt. No doubt there will be nay sayers who will advocate unreasonable cries of disagreement. Nonetheless, having served countless terms in the MoHA, I am well aware of difficulties apprentices have trying to gain well-earned responsibilities. By creating more opportunities for those who work hard and show initiative is something we should never take for granted. Furthermore, by providing a separate ministry for entertainment, the quality and effort of the work done towards enlightening the eUK can be greatly improved. The MoEnt will work closely with Woldy and subjects, the forum admins and the bobloist cardinals to ensure all parts of the community can aid the ministry. Despite the fact there are currently many forum games to take part in, many are low profiled. By focusing on getting everyone involved, the MoEnt will have a generous budget to fund prizes as well as introducing new citizens’ awards.

Ministry of Technology

Astonishingly, the MoTech has never been a well-established ministry, often ignored altogether as an official ministry in months gone by. This has proved to be counter-productive and un-insightful. Those willing enough to spend hours going over hundreds of lines of code are due the respect they deserve and will be honoured for the work they do. Being knowledgeable in the processes involved in making erep apps, I know how frustrating it can be to have apps that become out-dated due to changes to the API. Despite the constant onslaught of admin changes and at times unreliable api, useful tools are ever in demand and coveted. Therefore, I believe it is of the utmost importance to use the available technologies to develop tools that will provide military and economic security to the eUK. Primarily, the integration of the API with databases to store viable statistics. In addition, the Motech will also work towards creating user-end apps (eg. comparison tools).

Ministry of Information and Education

Being meticulous with every aspect of my approach to achieve my key goals, no stone will be left unturned. The MoIE is no exception and will focus on articles geared towards newer players and improving the wiki. This by no means a reduction in workload (when compared with the previous Ministry of Communication) as now the MoIE will maintain an archive of eUK history. A plethora of events will be documented including important battles, major controversies scandals, polls and other applicable facts. In addition, to guides the MoIE will also publish brief interesting findings from collated wiki archives.

Ministry of Home Affairs

The MoHA is still the flagship domestic ministry and as such will have major responsibilities. Firstly, all the recruitment (previously done by the Ministry of Recruitment) will now be done by the MoHA. Recruitment has had trouble in the past, partly due to the inability to measure the effectiveness of their work. This is does not mean that their work is in effective, on the contrary the work of the MoR is evolving. Real life recruitment is hopeless without real life money. Which is why the recruitment will now focus primarily on raising funds for advertising by organising initiatives for those who already play the game and in the process earn Ambassador badges. How much is raised will depend on how well the initiatives are welcomed. I will undoubtedly contribute as I am confident that the eUK is well on its way to slow its high citizen mortality rate. Our babyboom will happen and when it does happen we will have created a place where they can feel proud to be a part. The next generation of eUK citizens will flourish and eventually run the country how they see fit learning from our legacy. The MoHa will also handle messaging citizens with important updates and how to get involved in various aspects of the community. Understandably, the mentoring scheme will also be operated by the MoHA who will make direct contact with citizen, predominantly those new to the game. Those interested will have will have someone to answer their questions and ‘show them the ropes’. No citizen will be in isolation and will get support to aid them get the best out of the eUK. Seeing as all ministries within the new government will work towards encouraging participation, enjoyment and creativity. Then the best way to do so is by modelling how, as such the need for personalised artwork will play a reoccurring role. Therefore talented graphics designers will work towards personalising anything that will come in the public eye. No message should be bland nor should it not have a lighter side to it. What better way than to have an organised effort than through the MoHA?

These changes are intended to generate greater community cohesion and overall enjoyment. By having an infrastructure in place for an ideal eUK, eventually we can build until WE ARE a beacon for nations to follow. I am ready to set the way. I hope you enjoyed reading my domestic manifesto and will read my next article in this series leading up to the February 2011 Country President Elections. Also I need domestic ministers so if interested check here.

UK Presidential Candidate