[CP] Regarding Hobbits

Day 1,323, 22:18 Published in Canada Canada by Sperry

I have shared this video with a number of people recently. My small effort to bring high-brow, elitist left wing culture to my eRepublik friends.

Election Day is all but over. As of this writing, 700 votes have been cast, and Canada seems to have "made their decision". I will leave analysis to others, and instead, speak to some things:

Thank you. Thank you firstly and most importantly to the Canadians who decided that I was worthy of an electoral click. It's a small gesture, but many such gestures combined have made a world of difference. Similarly, I offer thanks to the parties who felt confident enough to put their brands behind the "Dum Spiro Spero" campaign. I know that some of you value your brands a great deal, and your support certainly means a lot.

Mechanics limit shiny baubles to one person each month. We should not, however, forget the accomplishments of our other Candidates. Mr. Rock and Muglack continue to draw attention through their presence. Jsboutin wraps up his third campaign, and just now has published a Fighting Guide that you ought to take a look at.

That brings us to Rolo. Two-time President, Two-time Impeachee. Jacobi makes an important point in his recent shout: For 7 months, Rolo's candidacies were kept to minor appearances by two things: Candidates and Campaigners. Support Rolo or not, his ability to rally votes ought to serve as a reminder. The Presidency is not a right or an entitlement - it must be earned. Earned through campaigning, winning support, and keeping it throughout one's term. Anything short of this is unacceptable.

Stay in the Know

1) Subscribe to Newspapers and Read the Media. Hard to get to? Bull. Community --> News. Click on the headings you care about. This paper will feature information directly from me and will be updated regularly. This Newspaper is run by the Ministry of Communication. It's worth subscribing to.

2) Let's be friends. Seriously. Shouts are one of the most powerful communication tools we have, and you can only see shouts if you're friends. July's Government will be using the shout system, so click that button.

3) Trust in criticism. The government's not the only source of information. High profile civilians offer alternative views and are worth paying attention to. 12 plays? Not enough. (That's why I wanted the link, Tabetha)

4) Ask the right person. This is a short and dirty list of people in a myriad of different positions. Not sure what's going on with X? Ask these people and you'll get answers:

Vice President: TemujinBC
Minister of Defence: SilencerII
Minister of Foreign Affairs: Fox Blutch
Ministers of Communication: M. Loiselle & Ethel Rosenberg
Minister of Information: Wally Cleaver
Minister of Finance: Etemenanki

Military Units
General Coordination: Jfstpierre
CAF: Jsboutin
TCO: Crisfire
HOPE: Jacobi
MFC: Max Maher
CoI: Plugson
IL: Nosyt
LOVE: Cyber Ninja
CS😨 Ralph Kline
Join a Military Unit if you haven't already.

The War with ONE

Needs to be said.

A number of people have asked what the "plan" with One is. How will we turn the tide in this war? When will we see our lands returned to us? Time to speak to those concerns.

First - and this is a big one - coordination is a must. Coordination between military units within Canada, providing clear orders to their members with clear reasons to back them up. "Fight here" is all good and well, but if you don't know why to fight there, you miss the bigger picture and remain ignorant. Not helpful.

Coordination with our allies is also essential. We cannot throw of the yoke of occupation alone, especially when Poland and Indonesia alone offer formidable resistance. The past few weeks have shown improved relations with Terra and Eden. These improvements must continue, to the tune of thinking globally, not just continentally. Canada is not alone in its strife. Nations the world over - some much more powerful than ourselves - have faced or do face invasion. An eye to the globe is key to our success.

The battle for the Yukon rages on. If we fail here - and at the moment this is likely - Canada will be wiped from the map. This will be our first falter since August 2009. This is temporary. We are not the strongest nation, but by God we aren't the weakest. We have at least 700 people who have shown today that Clickity-click-click is something they can manage.

We've been here before. We came back then, we will come back now.

The UK is weak and ignored, and Indonesia is in the marital doghouse for pissing off their higher-ups. Other One nations are being "scolded" in an alliance that is paving its own destruction. Let's "hold hands and catch butterflies", and take advantage of every opportunity.

Canada does not die this morning. Canada cannot die as long as you defend her honour.
Stay strong, Canada.

Dum spiro spero.