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Fundamental and technical analysis of the eUSA's economy

[1875] Q2 Food and Q3 Weapons Plus More Investment Data

7 Ziua 1,875, 05:52 Publicat în USA USA Analiză financiară Analiză financiară

The food bonus remains at 80%, with the weapons at 60%.
Q2 food and Q3 weapons provide the best energy and damage per currency.
Gold is trading in a downtrend.

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[1874] Q3 Weapons and Food for the New Boss

5 Ziua 1,874, 04:12 Publicat în USA USA Analiză financiară Analiză financiară

The food bonus remains at 80%, with the weapons at 60%.
Q3 food and weapons provide the best energy and damage per currency.
Gold is trading in a down trend.

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[1873] Q3 Weapons and Food to Fight For What's Right

4 Ziua 1,873, 07:47 Publicat în USA USA Analiză financiară Analiză financiară

The food bonus remains at 80%, with the weapons at 60%.
Q3 food and weapons provide the best energy and damage per currency.
Gold is trading at support.

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[1872] Q2 Weapons and Food for Fighting Demons

4 Ziua 1,872, 02:58 Publicat în USA USA Analiză financiară Analiză financiară

The food bonus remains at 80%, with the weapons at 60%.
Q2 food and weapons provide the best energy and damage per currency.
Gold is trading at support.

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[1867] Q2 Food and Q3 Weapons for Today

1 Ziua 1,867, 03:10 Publicat în USA USA Analiză financiară Analiză financiară

The food bonus remains at 80%, with the weapons at 60%.
Q2 food and Q3 weapons provide the best energy and damage per currency.
Gold is trading at support.

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