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Sunday Interview - Eno Live

3 Ziua 1,489, 00:27 Publicat în United Kingdom United Kingdom Socializare și divertisment Socializare și divertisment

Yesterday I managed to ask Eno Live a few questions. For the ones do not know who Eno Live is, he is the 5th best player in the United Kingdom with over 70,000 experience! He is also the current president of the Federal Democratic Party which stands

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Gaining Health For Battle Easier

1 Ziua 1,487, 09:00 Publicat în United Kingdom United Kingdom Primii pași în eRepublik Primii pași în eRepublik

As part of the United Kingdom I want us to win all wars, however this can become hard as many people do not have enough health to fight for a long time. The more health you have, or can get, the more wars we can win.

In this article we shall

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