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The not so news, news is a little experiment that I‘ll be working on. The exact date for the start of this project has not yet been determined. However, the little that I can disclose is that it will involve issues of non-importance and even lesser urgency.

Troubling Times

10 Ziua 4,551, 22:40 Publicat în United Kingdom United Kingdom Socializare și divertisment Socializare și divertisment

In these times of uncertainty I have found great solace in re-reading the book of Lewis, a reminder of all the great works that the Messiah accomplished … citește în continuare »

Are you crazy if you have been playing this game since the start.

4 Ziua 4,484, 16:21 Publicat în United Kingdom United Kingdom Socializare și divertisment Socializare și divertisment

Friggin "TinyPic" removed all my images from past news articles.

Wow, I’m about the same age … citește în continuare »

The 64 Square Treasure Hunt. (Edition 1). [MoHA]

11 Ziua 3,791, 09:40 Publicat în United Kingdom United Kingdom Socializare și divertisment Socializare și divertisment

The 64 Square Treasure Hunt. Sponsored by [MoHA].
Please read the following:
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[MoHA] The W.D.N.B. Game, Second Edition...

14 Ziua 3,783, 14:47 Publicat în United Kingdom United Kingdom Socializare și divertisment Socializare și divertisment

Let’s bring back some fun childhood memories with one of our favorite games.

No, it’s not only a
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[MoHA] The Which Does Not Belong Game...

38 Ziua 3,778, 04:47 Publicat în United Kingdom United Kingdom Socializare și divertisment Socializare și divertisment

Let’s bring back some fun childhood memories with one of our favorite games.

No, it’s not only a
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