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Twas The Night Before Elections

20 Ziua 744, 12:17 Publicat în Canada Canada

'Twas the night before Elections, when all through the house

Not a candidate was stirring, not even Octavian the mouse;

The platforms were hung in the media with care,

In hopes that voter’s soon would be there;

The cabinet

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The Popular Choice or The Right Choice?

13 Ziua 743, 14:56 Publicat în Canada Canada

In the real world as in the eWorld, there will always be a war waged between what we believe to be the popular choice and what we know is the right choice. This coming election only serves to magnify this issue in great proportions.

As the days

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Strategically Rethinking The CAF

10 Ziua 742, 06:46 Publicat în Canada Canada

A close examination of the structure and command of the CAF is often a hot button no matter which branch of the service you are in. Everyone likes to think they know a better way to organize and run such a large institution. This reporter is no

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Why Canada Should Not Start A War Just Yet

18 Ziua 740, 09:00 Publicat în Canada Canada

With the fall of Peace, there has been a lot of talk about hitting back and hitting back hard as a means of paying back those who did to us what we so badly wish to do to them. To those people who feel that a swift and immediate attack is of

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The Man Behind The Moose: Meet Tyler F. Durden Up Close And Personal

8 Ziua 738, 06:58 Publicat în Canada Canada

The Northern Telegraph recently sat down with 3 time reigning CPF Party President Tyler F. Durden for an open and frank discussion around his eLife and ePolitiks.

We hope you enjoy this candid view into the “Man Behind The Moose”

What made

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