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mulderpf running in Limpopo AGAIN!!!

4 Ziua 825, 11:31 Publicat în South Africa South Africa

Disclosure: I copied and pasted my platform from last term with a few edits of course, because so much of it is still valid!!

I'd like to announce that I will be running for congress under the IA banner in Limpopo this term (again!!).

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My view on the latest events

9 Ziua 819, 23:08 Publicat în South Africa South Africa

I thought I'd publish my view on the events of the last two days and I'll tell it here the way I see it.

Party president elections

Well done to all the new party presidents. I think that the best of all the candidates were chosen

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Thank you Independent Alternative!

7 Ziua 819, 01:12 Publicat în South Africa South Africa

Wow!! What an amazing election! Between maxpayne50 and myself, we shared 38 votes with only 4 votes seperating him from victory. Well done max, it was truly a great election. (Okay, it was sooooooo close, that I just had to wait for the results

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mulderpf: Party Presidency Platform

13 Ziua 813, 22:16 Publicat în South Africa South Africa

Herewith my platform for candidacy of the Party President of the Independent Alternative:

It is obvious that the Independent Alternative is not the small party it used to be. One of the strengths of the party is that it's a whole bunch of … citește în continuare »

SAL: Apology from mulderpf

13 Ziua 803, 09:45 Publicat în South Africa South Africa

ARGH!!! I wrote a whole article and now have to write it again. So here's the watered down version.

SAL, please accept my apology for what my article (the one with the stats) has caused. The intention wasn't really to turn this into a mud

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