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The Islamabad Times is an English-language daily newspaper published in Islamabad Pakistan. It is the only newspaper that publishes proper Newspapers other than articles and a dedicated spot for advertising

OK guys

6 Ziua 2,815, 01:53 Publicat în Pakistan Pakistan Dezbateri și analiză politică Dezbateri și analiză politică

Because of many people, their requests and my love for this nation I am not going to leave the country and if I have to live in the reign Muz the terrible so be it for if not today then next month and if not then t the month after that

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Read this before voting

10 Ziua 2,814, 09:48 Publicat în Pakistan Pakistan Dezbateri și analiză politică Dezbateri și analiză politică

Greetings my fellow citizens as you know CP Elections are taking place so this might be my last article in this country (that is if you vote for Muz) because as you all know if Muz wins I will resign from my seat in Congress and

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9 Ziua 2,812, 09:05 Publicat în Pakistan Pakistan Socializare și divertisment Socializare și divertisment

Who was the most charismatic of these WWII leaders?
(A Adolf Hitler
(B Winston Churchill
(C Benito Mussolini
(D Franklin Roosevelt
(E Joseph Stalin
(F Hirohito
(G Chiang Kai-shek
Winner will be announced two days from now.
All people who

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Hi there guys

0 Ziua 2,810, 09:38 Publicat în Pakistan Pakistan Socializare și divertisment Socializare și divertisment

I will be hosting a session with all supporters of mine tomorrow at 1:00AM erepublik time on the IRC channel #DVFM don't forget to attend this gathering and at the end all participants will receive prizes

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Sparkfyre is not a loyalist but a traitor

22 Ziua 2,810, 03:33 Publicat în Pakistan Pakistan Dezbateri și analiză politică Dezbateri și analiză politică

Sparkfyre does not deserve to be Dictator, CP or even listened to
She is a traitor
She has broken Part I Article 4 Section 1 of the Constitution of E-Pakistan by not being loyal to the state and using a small bomb for Israel against

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