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Nice servers there Admin part II

2 Ziua 872, 10:13 Publicat în USA USA

Battle for the Northern Territory won't end. >🙁

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Nice servers there Admin

17 Ziua 864, 00:26 Publicat în USA USA

So the battle for Eastern Finland should have ended when the timer was done and it was underground, but it didn't it just kept going under the Russians brought it back to the no-mans land, real nice servers there Admins.


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Zoli PTO race tied 6-6-6

10 Ziua 856, 17:53 Publicat în USA USA

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DD for Kentucky

12 Ziua 850, 19:17 Publicat în USA USA

Hello, my name is Devon Donaldson and I am running for the state of Kentucky this March. If elected, you can expect me to be very active.

Taxes: I support the current tax system we have with low import taxes, I embrace the Stuff >

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March Congress Platform

9 Ziua 846, 16:32 Publicat în USA USA

Vote for Devon Donaldson this March, I won't approve Phoenix Citizenship requests.


PS: Full Platform will be released at a later date.

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