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The newspaper for the rockin people

PLEASE NOTE: If you wish to contact me regarding anything you have found/read in my newspaper or if you have any concerns feel free to message me.

Vote #1 - rocker12341234 for congress

3 Ziua 2,742, 00:19 Publicat în Australia Australia Dezbateri și analiză politică Dezbateri și analiză politică


I am proud to announce I am running for congress.
Why should you vote for me?
I will answer anyone's questions, concerns, I will treat everyone equally, I will help our country grow, I

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Australia & War

1 Ziua 2,741, 21:47 Publicat în Australia Australia Analiză militară Analiză militară

It seems like we Australians are lucky as we are free of war. But is being free of war really as good as we all think? Yes not being at war is good because people aren't being killed and because we can stock up our units, defenses and armies for

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The Begining

6 Ziua 2,741, 18:56 Publicat în Australia Australia Primii pași în eRepublik Primii pași în eRepublik

hi everyone this is my new news paper

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