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Job market boom!

0 Ziua 1,686, 07:03 Publicat în USA USA Analiză financiară Analiză financiară

$330, that's the highest its ever been! Get a job and work hard the market should boom with gold at an all time high. This is the best time to get a job and make as much money as you can!

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Thing that need to be done in Erepublik, now!

6 Ziua 1,685, 20:09 Publicat în USA USA Analiză financiară Analiză financiară

If you ever look forward to buying gold,don't! The gold price is stupid! $1 gets you 2 gold, wow, $5 on other game like, "Roblox" as an example, $5 gets you 400 premium cash,on here, doing the math, $5 will get you 10 gold, maybe.
Point blank, they

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Help the gold rush!

4 Ziua 1,683, 06:55 Publicat în USA USA Analiză financiară Analiză financiară

I am making a goal for everyone in america, collect 5+ gold and then wait til at least 200 people meet there goal. Everyone donate to USA and wait to see the gold price lower and the money get higher.

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