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Outpatient medical centers open in regions of Armenia

3 Ziua 2,806, 17:41 Publicat în Armenia Armenia Analiză financiară Analiză financiară

The outpatient medical center in the Navur community of Armenia's Tavush province will provide services to nearly over 1,970 patients, and the residents of Chinchin and Itsakar villages can also seek medical aid there.

The opening ceremony of

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The Debut of the Armenia Examiner

4 Ziua 2,806, 10:12 Publicat în Armenia Armenia Socializare și divertisment Socializare și divertisment

Today is the launching of eArmenia's newest newspaper, The Armenia Examiner. This paper will report, cover and feature stories about what's going on in Armenia and unlike other newspapers, the Examiner will have in-depth reporting on Armenia's

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