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The Courage to Say No

63 Ziua 722, 14:33 Publicat în USA USA

Today some of you in the world received a surprise announcement from the nation of Italy. They have voted to leave … citește în continuare »

The Value of Public Service and Opportunities Within the Government

25 Ziua 720, 09:45 Publicat în USA USA

The war at home has drawn to a close and now all North American territories are free from occupation. With no … citește în continuare »

**SPECIAL EDITION** Official DoD Orders Newspaper is back! **SPECIAL EDITION**

16 Ziua 717, 21:59 Publicat în USA USA

As all of you know the Department of Defense organization has been compromised and is no longer controlled by the US government.

Thanks to the admins the official DoD Orders

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First Day on the Job and a New Cabinet

53 Ziua 717, 10:10 Publicat în USA USA

First and foremost, I want to thank Jewitt for a great campaign. He is probably the only person in the USA who slept … citește în continuare »

Frost/Woxan for November: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow

47 Ziua 715, 06:59 Publicat în USA USA

With the presidential election fast approaching, I felt it was time for me to write one remaining article to express my views and opinions to the American public, rather than giving my opponents the opportunity to attempt to define me and what I

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