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Nation Stats (Croatia VS Serbia)

160 Ziua 683, 05:29 Publicat în Greece Greece


At this stats the 1st number shows Croatia stats, and the 2nd number shows Serbia stats.
Example (Croatia █ Serbia)

These are the stats of the users that were living at Croatia and citește în continuare »

Nation Stats (ROMANIA) - Στατιστικά κράτους (ΡΟΥΜΑΝΙΑ)

23 Ziua 682, 08:58 Publicat în Greece Greece

ROMANIA - Day 682

Citizens/Κάτοικοι: 10066

1: 1194 (Citizens/Κάτοικοι)
2: 250
3: 498
4: 693
5: 385
6: 461
7: 365
8: 259
9: 180
10: 107
11: 88
12: 202
13: 521
14: 545
15: … citește în continuare »

Nation Stats (France) - Στατιστικά κράτους (Γαλλία)

14 Ziua 682, 07:27 Publicat în Greece Greece

FRANCE - Day 682

Citizens/Κάτοικοι: 8974

1: 915 (Citizens/Κάτοικοι)
2: 221
3: 508
4: 497
5: 309
6: 548
7: 272
8: 299
9: 291
10: 179
11: 186
12: 420
13: 885
14: 904
15: 1328
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Nation Stats (Hungary) - Στατιστικά κράτους (Ουγγαρία)

29 Ziua 681, 10:15 Publicat în Greece Greece

Day 680

Citizens/Κάτοικοι: 16215

1: 1019 (Citizens/Κάτοικοι)
2: 239
3: 1100
4: 854
5: 385
6: 1363
7: 387
8: 274
9: 206
10: 159
11: 106
12: 228
13: 598
14: 668
15: 1178
16: 1378
17: 1075
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Nation Stats (Turkey) - Στατιστικά κράτους (Τουρκία)

60 Ziua 677, 15:08 Publicat în Greece Greece

Starting from today, in this newspaper there would be many articles with some erep statistics.
In this article you will see some stats of eTurkey which is the biggest eGreece enemy.

Από σήμερα, στην εφημερίδα αυτή, εκτός από την ήδη βασική θεμα

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