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Unbelievable. You, *subject name here,* must be the pride of *subject hometown here.*


5 Ziua 540, 14:56 Publicat în Argentina Argentina

hello, citizens of Argentina
the american imperialists have attacked us at home, here in russia.
we cannot lose FER region, losing it would cripple our industry, and give the USA a foothold in asia.
we need your help to defeat them!!!!!


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6 Ziua 540, 14:54 Publicat în Brazil Brazil

hello, citizens of brazil
the american imperialists have attacked us at home, here in russia.
we cannot lose FER region, losing it would cripple our industry, and give the USA a foothold in asia.
we need your help to defeat them!!!!!


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8 Ziua 540, 14:50 Publicat în Turkey Turkey

hello, citizens of Turkey
the american imperialists have attacked us at home, here in russia.
we cannot lose FER region, losing it would cripple our industry, and give the USA a foothold in asia.
we need your help to defeat them!!!!!


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7 Ziua 540, 14:49 Publicat în Italy Italy

hello, citizens of italy
the american imperialists have attacked us at home, here in russia.
we cannot lose FER region, losing it would cripple our industry, and give the USA a foothold in asia.
we need your help to defeat them!!!!!


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Elections for prime minister

56 Ziua 538, 15:11 Publicat în Russia Russia

Сегодня я объявляю выборы премьер-министра России.
С момента публикации этой статьи у ФРП и КДП есть 24 часа для номинации кандидатов на пост премьер-министра.
После этого выборы будут проводиться на официальном российском форуме http://www.

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