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[NPP] Rise of National Patriots Party...A New Era begins

9 Ziua 1,769, 07:57 Publicat în Pakistan Pakistan Dezbateri și analiză politică Dezbateri și analiză politică

The Original History

Formerly known as just the Patriots was Party which was established by dodial one of the greatest leaders in history of ePakistan. Over time statues quo forces continued to grow and political role of this party was … citește în continuare »

My Resignation as Senator from Senate of ePakistan

17 Ziua 1,755, 08:53 Publicat în Pakistan Pakistan Dezbateri și analiză politică Dezbateri și analiză politică

Dear Citizens of ePakistan,

We all greatly love and admire the country that is Pakistan both in real life and in eWorld. So now we have a new Country President for ePakistan. An Individual I think is fully capable of leading this country, … citește în continuare »

[Senate] Official Press Release: Congratulations to New CP and Other Matters

26 Ziua 1,752, 14:16 Publicat în Pakistan Pakistan Dezbateri și analiză politică Dezbateri și analiză politică

Senate of ePakistan
Official Press Release
Subject: Congratulations to our new CP and other matters
Dear Countrymen

I would like to begin this press release by … citește în continuare »

[ePakistan IRC Chat] IRC Access Policy for #ePakistan

16 Ziua 1,738, 15:33 Publicat în Pakistan Pakistan Socializare și divertisment Socializare și divertisment

As you may well things have been changed around on IRC and I decided to remove all access levels and give IRC Channel a fresh start and new admin team appointed through a proper and transparent procedure. So here it is the IRC Access Policy for #

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[Senate] Press Release First Senate Meeting & Chairman of Senate Election

21 Ziua 1,732, 04:23 Publicat în Pakistan Pakistan Dezbateri și analiză politică Dezbateri și analiză politică

Senate of ePakistan
Official Press Release
Date: 1732 day of the New World
Subject:First Senate Meeting and Chairman Senate Election

Quetta, Pakistan:A meeting in darkness of night was called by newly … citește în continuare »