Ambient pornit/oprit

Selitys viimeaikojen tapahtumille (epävirallinen)

26 Ziua 545, 01:27 Publicat în Finland Finland

Ensin aihe, sitten vastaukseni.
Muistakaa, erepublik on kopio oikeasta maailmasta

1. Pelissä puhutaan, että kultaa on kopioitu lukemattomia määriä jonkun bugin avulla.

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[CP] Buying gold with real money

6 Ziua 498, 11:03 Publicat în Canada Canada


I will begin this article by telling you how much those big crates of gold really cost.
- 20 Gold = 10 € = 2
- 40 Gold = 25 € = 1,6
- 80 Gold = 60 € = 1,33
When … citește în continuare »

OG: Media Moguls

7 Ziua 492, 00:37 Publicat în Canada Canada

When V1 came the media became jungle, everyone saw the media mogul medal on their profile (gray). Many writers wanted to earn that medal to be one of the very few to achieve this. … citește în continuare »

To the people who are ruining the economy

13 Ziua 479, 02:49 Publicat în Japan Japan

There are few things in this game that are important, one of those is economy, and the stronger economy is the stronger country is. In eJapan the economy would be quite nice and strong but there are few imperialists who are doing whatever they want

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Salary, and information about it

4 Ziua 471, 09:50 Publicat în Japan Japan

You have seen me spamming the media few times in Japan with these useless info’s of mine, or are they useless? Was the wellness information that I wrote last time useful?

Well, if it was here’s new box of info, and if it weren’t useful, I don’t

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