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Week 2 Summary for the OBM

1 Ziua 518, 16:14 Publicat în Mexico Mexico

Here's a summary of the expenses for Week 2 from the Organizacion Bancaria Mexicana, the National Bank of Mexico.

As of the first publication, we had a balance of:

69.47 Gold
3754.05 MXN

We had the following currently:

94.70 Gold

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The New Threat - OBM?

6 Ziua 512, 23:58 Publicat în Mexico Mexico

Just a quick message to citizens:

This is the Official National Bank of Mexico. Apparently, a group of people old or new to Mexico have created another Org with only one letter difference to ours.

The real account is Organizacion

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OBM Report Week 1

0 Ziua 509, 10:26 Publicat în Mexico Mexico

Here's the Official Government Expenditures Report for April, Week 1:

Starting balance:

60 G, 10984 MXN

986.109 MXN for 7.71 G
128 MXN for 1 G
258 MXN for 2 G
260 MXN for 2 G

Totals 83.67 Gold 5152.62 MXN

20 G to

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