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[Immigrasjon] Feed me!

3 Ziua 1,001, 10:46 Publicat în Norway Norway

Immigrasjonsverket is always your friend when times get rough. To streamline the boost of citizen health, we have opened a request thread on where you can post a request for food. And now you don't have to wait until day change to citește în continuare »

Immigrasjonsverket is helping the players!

3 Ziua 938, 05:33 Publicat în Norway Norway">


Immigrasjonsverket Under A New Management!

Since the elections, Immigrasjonsverket got new ministers!

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Immigrasjonsverket is helping the players!

4 Ziua 931, 12:55 Publicat în Norway Norway">


Immigrasjonsverket Under A New Management!

Since the elections, Immigrasjonsverket got new ministers!

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Tools that make your eLife easier

2 Ziua 917, 06:13 Publicat în Norway Norway">

Dear People of Norway,
We would like to present You today two tools that make You eLife easier 🙂

[url=citește în continuare »

Immigrasjonsverket Informs / Free Gifting

4 Ziua 909, 12:25 Publicat în Norway Norway">

Dear People of Norway,

many of you have been surprised by the recent change in the hospital system, which citește în continuare »