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I Endorse................................. .

3 Ziua 893, 00:05 Publicat în USA USA

Harrison Richardson for President, he has a strong legislative and Administrative record that I respect,coupled with his awesome VP choice its a dream team!

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A new President........Woxan

1 Ziua 867, 18:55 Publicat în USA USA

The votes have been counted and President-Elect Woxan has recieved 55.24% (1350 votes) of them.

Congratulations Mr President-Elect.

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My Endorsement

7 Ziua 859, 17:02 Publicat în USA USA

Woxan....definantly woxan.

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Astra for President

4 Ziua 795, 23:32 Publicat în USA USA

We need Astra Kat G in the eWhite House. We need her there because shes f***ing brilliant. She has the credentials too. She`s a three term Congresswoman and she`s currently Party President of her party along with having a GREAT newspaper. She is

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My platform for January 2010

2 Ziua 788, 19:36 Publicat în USA USA

Louisiana the state of American values.

Louisiana when I see all the chaos in the eWorld and think about giving up I only have to look at this state and know what im fighting for. Im fighting for American values. The ideas of Hardwork,freedom

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