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17 Ziua 584, 15:20 Publicat în USA USA

International Broker citizenslave[] offers discounted prices on many items for newbies and experienced players. Please see the comments section for current stocks and prices, as well as

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#2 The Interview

20 Ziua 580, 21:36 Publicat în USA USA

Greetings to my friends and fellow citizens. I wish to thank those of you who have voted and subscribed since the publication of my first article. You both humble and flatter me. I intend to live up to expectations this issue.

Before I begin, I

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Daddy Day Debut!

8 Ziua 579, 13:33 Publicat în USA USA

Greetings friends and fellow citizens. This marks my first issue of Kara's Korner. You can expect to read interviews of your fellow citizens. On occasion, I may have my own opinion piece. There will be a contest in each issue. Also, I ve decided to

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