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Senate votes to cut income tax to 10%

5 Ziua 779, 23:17 Publicat în Australia Australia

With the return of our stolen Treasury funds, I recently proposed an amendment to the eAustralia Taxation Act, and the Senate recently voted, to cut income tax in all industries except hospitals and defense systems to 10% from the current

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UPDATED: Senator voting record

15 Ziua 779, 03:53 Publicat în Australia Australia

I have updated the Senator voting record spreadsheet. It can be found here.

You will note in this version that Senators with 100% voting attendance are marked in green.

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Great to see IRC and Auserepublik taken seriously

2 Ziua 778, 04:53 Publicat în Australia Australia

eAustralia has two great communities:

IRC: irc://; and


The quality of administration and moderation in these two great communities has fluctuated over past months and users have

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eAus CP Debate - 02:00 today

4 Ziua 775, 01:11 Publicat în Australia Australia

Come and join the debate on IRC at irc://

Listen to the Prime Minister candidates make their sales pitch for your vote!

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Senator voting record

16 Ziua 774, 18:57 Publicat în Australia Australia

So how is your Senator voting?

Are they voting the way they promised they would?

Are they even turning up for votes, or did they just collect the gold and disappear?

Find out here!

Senators: if I have

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