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[ISP] Mascot Contest!

10 Ziua 1,144, 00:33 Publicat în Japan Japan

To mark the new year and the opening of the ISP Donation Box, I bring you the first ISP Events since the updated logo contest back in spring, and hopefully first of … citește în continuare »

[ISP] Donation Project & Events

7 Ziua 1,135, 20:16 Publicat în Japan Japan

ISP Donation Project
In the near future the eRepublik admins are going to remove the organizations that many of us use and enjoy, and with this news … citește în continuare »

[ISP] Official Candidate List

7 Ziua 1,130, 12:56 Publicat în Japan Japan

Over the last week the eJapanese Election Commission (JEC) and I have been working closely to look into all ISP candidates. We interviewed unfamiliar candidates … citește în continuare »

[ISP] Early Start on Congress

4 Ziua 1,122, 22:24 Publicat în Japan Japan

With the ISP getting its original party back and congress elections that are little more then a week away, I thought getting an early start would be a good idea. … citește în continuare »

Running for ISP President

7 Ziua 1,121, 01:16 Publicat în Japan Japan

For this month's party elections I hope to be elected president in the original ISP party and to do my best to bring back ISP to the way it once was. As president I … citește în continuare »