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Addressing the biggest issue...

32 Ziua 505, 01:53 Publicat în Japan Japan

This month I ran for the office of the President of eJapan. It was an honor to run for this position, and I thank those who voted for me from the bottom of my heart. I know that there are a lot of citizens in Japan who think the way I do and agree

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All congressmen - please read!

8 Ziua 502, 06:05 Publicat în Japan Japan - Forum Discussion Link (congressmen only)

This proposal to transfer our cash is genuine and should be voted "YES". National security demands this money be … citește în continuare »

Time for change? Or stagnation?

3 Ziua 502, 04:23 Publicat în Japan Japan

This is a message to the people of Japan.

This is your last chance to make a change. There are 2 good candidates against Akki this month, and I can say first hand that the energy spent campaiging for an election means that there is no way to be

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One final push - a hardened resolve.

13 Ziua 499, 16:48 Publicat în Japan Japan

Let me start this article by stating something that is possibly obvious to most people.
When you do something that people disagree with or people dislike, you get a lot of vocal opposition. When (or if) you do something that people happen to agree

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What's best for eJapan...

20 Ziua 498, 19:46 Publicat în Japan Japan

I have always said that I want what is best for Japan.

Some people do not believe this, and think I am looking out for myself.
This is simply not true.

It has come to my attention, though, that what I see as being the best for Japan, and

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