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Future free enterprise, is News agency which will cover about economy, free market, and social issues that goes on in the eUSA. We strive to be pro corporations, and see their benifits as a priority in our news giving.

If your Cat purrs it may mean your Gay

1 Ziua 701, 13:53 Publicat în Canada Canada

A new study maid by the university of eTexas concluded that if your cat purrs when your scratching it, it may mean your that your homosexual with or without knowing. Dr.Bernstein brought cats into the Houston man bar in eHouston and noticed that the

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Tim Barrow for Congress

5 Ziua 698, 18:06 Publicat în Canada Canada

Tim Barrow for congress to make it possible for the enemy cry because we are so good and awesome cause our army needs to be strengthen up a lot. Our government is always fighting left vs right or right vs left its time for them to stop it and keep

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